Daves Sandy vRP Addons : Includes a gun and ammo crafting system, some food, other items

Daves Sandy vRP.rar (17.6 KB)

Heres the houses and garages someone asked for(You can just replace your files or open up and copy paste. Your choice. Be advised, I have a donator garage. Just use the find function when you open the garages.lua, search donator, either remove or add permissions/change the permission/remove garage completely and move the vehicles to the standard garage. I use the car pack that was with Dunkos vRP and I renamed damn near ALL OF THEM to match their real world skins you’re welcome. :stuck_out_tongue: ).:
homes and garages.rar (15.8 KB)

Here is the vrp_basic_mission folder. There are still some missions in the South FYI. Havent got around to fixing those yet.:
vrp_basic_mission.rar (23.9 KB)

This is for people who want to Move their vRP to the north but are too lazy to do so or just want to add on a bunch of transformers, blips, markers, and items.
So here is a bunch of copy pasta for you guys with vRP.

Copy and paste the code into its respective .lua counterpart. Preferabbly at the end of each block as to not mess anything up :stuck_out_tongue: ----- BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR COMMAS

Each Text files is named somewhat accordingly to each file in your vrp>cfg folder.

Some Included Stuff

  • Random drug buyers located around sandy, grape, and paleto(Colored waving guys on the map).
  • Added more fishing spots
  • Added a quarry, ore processing, mineral selling.
  • Added Air Trade Route
  • Added grape farms and wine making process.
  • Added gun and ammo crafting system. You can equip them once you build them!
  • Added cocaine, weed, meth, lsd farming and processing around the area.

Most locations are available to everyone. Pretty much only hacking, forging, and emergency services transformers are the ones with job specific permissions. HOWEVER you can easily comment out any permissions you don’t want to have or just add your own according to your jobs that you already have.

List of Items

Pic of the blips


Video of Gun Crafting


Item transformers include things from Gun Crafting, drug selling, drug crafting, mining, fishing, and others.

Comes with some extra food you can add to your food.lua and/or your markets.

You can use your stock vrp_drugfarms or my version for sandy. It doesnt matter since the transformers are located in the places you TP to.

I have added a Chipotle job. See below on how to add it if you want it. If not comment out the transformers and etc.

Chipotle Job

add this to your groups.lua in the block
cfg.groups = {

  ["Chipotle"] = {
    _config = { gtype = "job",
	onspawn = function(player) vRPclient.notify(player,{"You are a Chipotle Employee. Salary : $2000."}) end

then add this to
cfg.selectors = {

  ["Chipotle"] = {
    _config = {x = 1990.1766357422, y = 3055.2622070312, z = 47.215065002442, blipid =  89, blipcolor = 59},

If you want to see pictures of basically everything refer to my other post. It has pictures of some of the transformers, blips, etc.

Located Here

đźš“ www.GreaterSandyRP.com | Custom Map w/ Border! | ELS |CAD System! | Gun Crafting! | Real Cars | Drugs to NPCs | Drugs and Alcohol! | 20+ Jobs | Hiring EMS and Police!

If you guys want the houses and garages I have for sandy as well let me know and Ill work on putting that together. They are able to be purchased and you can enter them and teleport into them too. They WILL however, change the existing houses located downtown and what not.



Feel free to message me with idea, suggestions, modifications you think should be made, or if you just have questions about some of the locations!

Sick addons, fun to use in the server.

ok this is amazing that you are sharing all of this. Thank you and yes I would love the houses and garages for Sandy.
Love this whole package.

Sure thing dude. Ill probably do it after I get off work today(tues)(10 pm est)/the day after :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s awesome man. I was going thru the files and my gawd it’s some crazy good stuff! You really expanded the rp aspects with your work.

if you can do it for esx i would be in heaven :wink: anyway nice work

It would be great If you would add the vrp_basic_mission configuration :smiley:

@YoseMite123 vrp_basic_mission.rar (23.9 KB)

@ZenZoop homes and garages.rar (15.8 KB)

davewazere, you are the dude! Cant wait to check these out. Your scripts are so unique. I promise you get full credit for anything I use. Thank you so much for sharing…so awesome.:sunglasses::us:

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Thanks <3 You’re the best dude

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Where can i edit which jobs can use Weed meth code etc etc? :3

I am struggeling with my mafia isnt able to do anything :s

What do you mean? Probably 90% of the item transformers do NOT require permissions. If you mean missions, You have to add your own mafia missions. I dont think stock vRP/Dunkos had missions for mafia.

Nono i think im doing it wrong then

when i go to medicinal weed as a Drug dealer

Nothing happends when im in the little yellow circle :s

I must have fucked something up becuase allmost no of the things is currently working, Do you have any suggestions? I really need help :s

That medical grow op is for the Medical transport job . The one for everyone else and drug dealers to use is the 1 in VRP drug labs. That is a seperat download. At for not having anything work you might have to Re install VRP. And whenever you gotta do this again make sure you make a backup of the file first…

I see, So i need the VRP druglabs mod to get all the “drugs” from this script too work correctly? Could you link it to me? :slight_smile:

To get to the item transformer that allows you to harvest weed. Yes. You need the other download.
Here is the original one: https://github.com/D3uxx/vrp_drugfarms

Here is mine that I moved to sandy shores:

Fair enough, so to get LSD etc working so i can collect&sell it, I only need this addon and the druglab addon__ Sorry if im asking a stupid question im still kinda new to this

Yeah, I put meth, lsd, coke, weed, and the gun crafting stuff inside of the drug lab locations :slight_smile:
And no worries, bud.

I can’t seem to get the item_transformers to work correct, tried to add them at the bottom of the file, aswell as add them in 1 by 1, just keep getting errors doing so, do you not have a file already made rather than texts?