Constant massive timeouts on Onesync only? (How to fix it?)

Upload a .etl log (from UIforETW) saved right after a timeout, with ‘fast sampling’ and preferably ‘tracing to file’ enabled.

I have done it, but where i find .etl log?
EDIT: Got it but its 550mb

there’s a bunch of temporary file upload sites like or so

I have started a trace and am currently awaiting a timeout, so I can get the data to you! Thanks so much for responding. here.

Im sure its not resource problem, i moved it back to other vps and it works fine, but it has lower specs for higher price.
I would like to find where is the problem.

24GB ram
8x EPIC 7281 2,1ghz
300mb/s stable, tried to ping.

All games that i host are having connection timed out problem

Odd, I had the timeout connections only using Onesync, so I think for my case it’s a resource. I also changed all the 32 loops to 64 loops though, so I honestly think it’s a resource, but have no clue where… :confused:

Here is my .etl log recorded whilst the timeouts were happening to users on my server.

Oddly, this file seems to have been corrupted - it doesn’t load in WPA.

Are you running on a VPS? It seems the emulated network card used (e1000 instead of a native paravirtualized NIC like virtio or vmxnet) is bottlenecking CPU performance heavily.

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I have vps,

AMD EPYC 7281 4x
24Gb ram

ill ask for swap
EDIT: thankss

Um maybe cause my dropbox was somewhat full?

Does this work?

If not, I may have to share with you what I do when I run the tracer.

Instaled virtio and nothing changed :frowning:

Just installing wouldn’t be enough - you also have to change the configuration on the VM host or it’ll still use the old PRO/1000 MT.

Vps provider told me that they changed it.

Cant even see e1000 in device manager i can see only virtio, ill send screens when i come home.

k, then run a new trace to see what the main thing is now

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Interesting - a lot of time spent in sending UDP packets as well, but this time on Xen virtualization.

It’d be interesting to know why ENet is sending so many separate UDP packets - does neteventlog 1 on clients show a crazy amount of packets being spammed?

(also, a crazy amount of time is spent in querying the system timer - maybe this needs to be done even less often, it seems Xen’s emulation of Hyper-V timer queries might be fairly slow?)

Could i have your discord?
I can also share rdp to make it faster :slight_smile:
Or i can jist keep sending logs here :slight_smile:

Anyway, @kFxDaKing @OfficialBadger - server build 1574 (or higher) might improve UDP sending by not relying on the kernel anymore for concatenating UDP packets but doing so beforehand.