[Coming] FiveM Blimp

After me and @Element_55 discussed a FiveM vehicle in some forum. I’m going to make a legendary FiveM Blimp :mascot:

Anyone have recommendations for it. FiveMy stuff? Of course it will have the logo and snail :mascot:


Huge fucking snail, along with ALL the elements names faded into the background to make it look fucking awesome. Put the Mod’s on there somewhere? ( Make @shayan_doust’s name really small kthx :smiley: )


Hahaha lol. Blue faded names with elements and orange for mods and have half of @shayan_doust 's name behind the :snail: ???


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh :face_vomiting: Android Auto corrected the word snail to that. :face_vomiting:

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No shayan needs to be noticed. Maybe the snail is eating shayan?


Any love for discord external contributors? c:

i really dont care, if you want it, go for it xD

I’m making this now :slight_smile:

This is going to be interesting… :thinking:

Part done. Just gotta fix some things Its got most of the elements



This was not what I was expecting hahahaha I mean, it’s unique. Ima have to get on my photoshop game and have a go.

This is what I skinned it as but it fucked up

Can I ask why @Vespura Doesn’t have external in front of his moderator tag?

that’s what is says in the group on the forums


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That’s strange…

yeah it is but idk. its the forums

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Looking at those screenshots made me Cum a little.

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I have no clue either…

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