Chat Formatting // Colors, Bold, Underline

Anyone know how to add more chat colors like ^10 just to have more custom colors??


As mentioned above, edit the default chat resource in the CSS file to change the colours.

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how to do black text ?

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Also want to know how to add more colours

I did that but I’ve got issues can someone help me please?

This is pretty old already, so maybe it has changed but on C# using ‘^r’ doesn’t reset the colors, it just displays as ^r

Anyone know how to fix this?

This is for in the server name, when in resources you need to do ~n~ for a new line

red blue green yellow purple orange

c - grey m - dark grey u - black

n - new line s - reset color h - bold text

I tried this, no success. Please note that I’m using Debug.WriteLine (FiveM’s overlap of Console.WriteLine) where colors like ^7 work, the ~~ colors won’t work

small fix to the guys who use ^r to reset the text color…
just use ^0 to reset the text color


How do I get the color black? It isn’t in your format.

As of now (2022 May), colors are now more:
^0 // White
^1 // Red Orange
^2 // Light Green
^3 // Light Yellow
^4 // Dark Blue
^5 // Light Blue
^6 // Violet
^7 // Baby Blue
^8 // Blood Red
^9 // Fuchsia

(Other formats are correct)
NOTE: I only tested this on 1 server and unsure if this is only 1 server or all.

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I’m actually back to FiveM at the moment, after like 4 years, so I’ll go ahead and take a look and update the original post if I get the time. :+1:


you are a saviour

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This is really helpful, thank you!