Central Los Santos Medical Center interior v0.4

the lighting is really bad when its day, but at night is good

Nice relase :wink: .

been running for me just fine with zero issues or crashes. I have map mods all over the dam place with no issues. Both pillbox and this ER are running just fine. I would start by checking your add ons to see what is causing the issue with the ER


We need a sandy shores interior and the hallway picture could probably do

Error here any solution?



Exact same crash

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Same crash here too

Hey, so i have gotten rid of all the rubbish from the hospital and i re-textured everything but for some reason i still see dirt on the walls and in the main rooms floor, i notice a lot of it is cleaner but just some parts still contain dirt

EDIT: as you can see the main room is still dirty but the other one is clean

https://gyazo.com/180b3909577d911db0124a53e1df8f26 :joy:

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ahhhh a spooky ghost

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haha yeah, when you hit them they start dancing

Could you pass me your clean map you edited?

its easy just delete the trash

I do not know how to do this. :slightly_frowning_face:

a little run down but nice

Thx man

Well done :grinning:

Hello DrEmixam, I am very interested in mapping you have done your mapping based on which application ?

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Hey, did you delete some of the shadows to clean that up? as i re-textured everything and deleted all the trash, but i still get marks on the walls and some dirt on the floors?

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Where exactly is the clean version for this interior? Is it just with the download link? (not home so I couldn’t check for myself)