CayoTwoIslands - North Yankton Compatible

CayoTwoIslands - Now Compatible With North Yankton!

Want to introduce North Yankton to your server but don’t want North Yankton floating above Cayo? Trying to make North Yankton work, but your CayoTwoIslands resource is disabling North Yankton? Then, this resource is for you!

We’ve made a version of the popular CayoTwoIslands compatible with our North Yankton Enabled resource for you to use, with some code cleanup to slim it down.

Don’t care about North Yankton and want the original CayoTwoIslands? Check the FAQ for links to unedited versions of that resource.

North Yankton Enabled is a work in progress, so please use this expecting bugs, missing, and weird collisions while in North Yankton!

CayoTwoislands should have no issues, but do not install North Yankton to function like a fully realized release, we’re still working on it and all help is appreciated.


  • Compatible with North Yankton!
  • Persistent Cayo
  • Customizations/flavour edits to Cayo Perico by tayMcKenzieNZ
  • Static Emitter disablers (removes arena sounds)
  • persistent Minimap by @AvaN0x




1. I don’t care about North Yankton; I want the original CayoTwoIslands!

You can find a fork of the original (not modified to work with North Yankton) on GitHub here. Additionally, we have also forked it through Popcorn RP, and we promise we won’t delete it for any reason, as a commitment to open source!

2. Why are you sharing this? Didn’t Tay McKenzie release this before?

Yes, however, this provides the functionality of CayoTwoIslands to work with our release of North Yankton Enabled. Additionally, with the multiple privatizations and deletions of CayoTwoIslands, it’s no longer fair to everyone who has contributed to this project to continue deleting it, taking it down, and generally redirecting people looking for access to a previously available and popular open-source release.

2. Why was it deleted?
You can find an explanation for this on Tay McKenzie’s buymeacoffee here.

As the message is being edited, an archived copy of the original can be found here.

3. Can I use the code from CayoTwoIslands for a paid resource? What license does this hold?

CayoTwoIslands uses a GPL 3.0 license. You can find more about that here. If you use code from Cayo Two Islands or Cayo Two Islands - North Yankton Compatible, your derivative work must follow and use this license. You can do anything you want within the rules of the license.

4. Angry noises

This release is not meant to stoke any anger, discontent, or animosity that usually follows any mention of rpemotes or related emote menus. If you have snarky, childish, or abrasive comments to anyone involved (past or present) with CayoTwoIslands, RPEmotes, or any other release by the original creator of this resource, keep it to yourself.


nice work bro

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Good job, long time ago was hoping for this type of script. :pray:

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can i still keep the normal GTA Los santos map?

Yes this resource makes all three work together. Los Santos, Cayo, and North Yankton.

Make sure you download north Yankton enabled as well.

all drag and drop?

Yes, you just need to ensure them.

Very nice work !

Appreciate it, all the thanks is forwarded to everyone who worked on this before, glad you all can still access it for free as it always was meant to be.


is North Yankton. still bugged in many parts? where u can fell out of map and that things?

I uploaded CayoTwoIslands and NorthYankton to the server, the resource started and see this error, how to repair this ? i don’t see blips and norh yankton

Start northyankton first, the teleporter coord is in the config. By default it’s at the airport.

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Yes, some fixes and improvements have been made, but it is possible to fall off of you drive off the sides.

thanks, all good :slight_smile:

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