Can't launch FiveM, no error messages

I have reinstalled it a few times, but I am just now installing it to another location.

Nothing changed. I installed it to C:\FiveM.

:thinking: are you sure that you dont have any active antivirus or any other application that could block it

I have been having the same issue. Does FiveM launch in singleplayer mode?

Yes , there is a fivem so launcher for it

I canā€™t launch FiveM in singleplayer or multiplayer mode. I even reinstalled GTA V. Did not help.

A process called ā€œAntimalware Service Executableā€ is running even if I turn everything in Defender off. Am I missing something in Defender or is that something else? I canā€™t stop it in task manager.

defender wont turn off unless doing it properly, google how to permanently disable windows defender.

Do you mean going to the regedit and disabling it there? Done that

even if you done it defender will run

same here, it works beforeā€¦ but after update nothing happened, failed to launch, disable anti-virus or some shit wont help because this is different case, iā€™ve done install via GTA V folder and new folder but nothing changed again

Read what I said above :cry:

I reinstalled Windows and only after that it started working. I think I had something on that old installation that was blocking FiveM. Thanks anyway to everyone who helped :slight_smile:

Yep thatā€™s what I told you but wonder what program cause this but anyway hope you enjoy :mascot:

i use the regedit to disable it all the time and works just fine.

infact, mines still disabled.

Anyway, glad you got it working you most deff had something running in the background causing the problem.

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