[C#] List Help

Need help with finding multiple objects.
Where obj is I need it to be for a “models” list

//string[] models = { "prop_barrier_wat_03a", "prop_barrier_work05", "prop_mp_cone_01" };
var obj = "prop_barrier_wat_03a";
var closestEntity = API.GetClosestObjectOfType(LocalPedPos.X, LocalPedPos.Y, LocalPedPos.Z, 5f, (uint)API.GetHashKey(obj), false, true, true);


the function wait for a hash, not a list. But if you want to get the closest with a list of type, you can simply use a for loop to get the distance and entity of each type, then get the closest one of them :wink:

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I marked this post for removal because it’s already been resolved. But thank you for the response it’s much appreciated. :fist_left:t2:


Why do you what to remove the post? If you found a solution, share it here to help those who may have the same problem.

This forum is to share knowledge about FiveM :wink:

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I can’t post a fix to something that wasn’t fixed, it was replaced entirely so I marked it as solved. After speaking with a mod about the exact same thing I’m releasing the code publicly once it’s finished. I tried to have it removed before comments came in but that option isn’t available.