Badger Scripts Broken (Please Help Asap)

So I have had discord vehicle restrict, and discord chat roles for awhile working. Havent touched them then one day I noticed they wouldnt work I couldnt spawn the cars or select any of my chat roles. This is odd because I can change aop and /revive etc all the other perms that come with my roles. I have attached screenshots of my problem usually im pretty good at troubleshooting, but im genuinley lost.
Discord Vehicle Restrict Code - Screenshot - 20419d7cf8e9a2effa79b6ef59c88f80 - Gyazo
Console giving me my roles on join - Screenshot - 3e8231f4616fe0e34e335b7dc490eff4 - Gyazo
Vehicle Restrict Not seeing my roles and not letting me spawn cars - Screenshot - 235297ad445d3227abeb31b1bc2117ae - Gyazo
Chat roles not seeing my roles - Screenshot - 4dcbe69c8ea7c394ecaafc2fd37c9ddf - Gyazo
I would really appreciate any support as I have a few donators on my small server that cant spawn there cars, and im genuinley confused why some of his scripts see my roles and some dont.


  1. Discord Vehicle Restriction.

Please change the ['VIP'] to ['ROLE_ID'] And that will fix that relevant issue.

as for chat roles can you please attach your config file for it

Isnt Vip the role required to use it? It worked previousley with VIP there how else would I restrict it to people with the discord VIP tag (im not that educated on all this I could be wrong)

Fucking Legend Fixed my Vip cars not spawning!

ah with the chat roles also do the following
Part one ID Part to Name of role

		{1191458265838649536, "^2Civilian | "}, -- 1