Bad RP servers

delete post, people dont seam tp understand it and rather not explain

I’m going to say this is a terrible topic to try to discuss here based on the amount of volatile people who come on here, in addition - for what may be “horrible” for you - may be amazing for someone else. You cannot and should not write off a server based on your own opinions, rather let people make their own opinions of servers.


So basically every RP server?

See, commonsense isnt based off of my opinions. i said also give the reasons why they feel they are bad so others can base their interest, or lack of interest off of that…you looked over that though huh. this topic isnt for you, you didnt fully read it

This topic will only bring unneeded arguments amongst players and server owners… this shouldn’t even be a thing and makes no sense to do.

I would recommend closing this topic before it becomes nothing but undeeded drama.

Dont like a server? dont go to it… i think its pretty simple, no one else knows the reason behind anyones reason for disliking a server even if they did explain it as it could have been there own fault but saying it isnt.

becomes he said she said bs.