[ALPHA] FS Freeroam 0.1.5 [FiveM-Scripts]

The database for fs_freeroam isn’t being made when I load my server.
Message states something along the lines of “db/CouchDB/couch.lua” cannot be loaded.

This then prevails a lot more errors when my player is walking around the map, for saving coordinates, etc.

Ensure your resources are updated to work with essentialmode4, but currently at this time fs_freeroam 0.1.5 is not compatible and the 0.1.6 update is being worked on.

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Yeah, got the same error :slight_smile:

Can’t wait for the 0.1.6 then. :slight_smile:
Thank’s @DrSithis For creating this… It’s amazing!

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update for fxserver ?

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The other’s that work on the project as well deserve as much credit as I do. It’s appreciated.

@bouboo Regarding the FXServer update, there are still some bugs and issues on the list to work out.

@DrSithis I have a problem, after installing fs_freeroam and correctly modifying the _resource files of the maps, it gives me these error lines when starting the server, and nothing appears on the map inside the game. It also does not seem to communicate with CouchDB, since the size of the DB is 0 Bytes.

FX-Server + Essentialmod4 + Fs_freeroam 0.1.5 + CouchDB 2.0.2 =

S.O: Windows Server 2012 R2.

PD: Sorry for my English, I’m Spanish and I use Google Translate. :frowning_face:

@DrSithis Please thank them for me pls :slight_smile: Also do you have an estimated time of launch for 0.1.6?

So… how do users actually access any of the missions or buy any of the apartments? Also, can they buy cars as they can in GTA:O? I’m very confused as to what features are actually included in this mod. As far as I can tell, it just gives you a money counter and a map full of (for now) useless icons.


The resource provides a freeroam experience. This resource doesn’t provide a money counter at all, you’re provided the money displays by the resource essentialmode. The blips on the map designate locations of which you can find interactions, whether it be for missions, purchasing weapons and vehicles, or numerous other activities.

@DrSithis Could you guide me about my problem? I would be grateful. :wink:

I have got an issuse with the [ALPHA] FS Freeroam 0.1.5 when starting the game the icons show.
When visiting a gun store then when I try to push E to activate the gun store It does not work?
I get this error that I have no clue what It is telling me and how to fix it?

any news on the 0.1.6 update to work with essentials 4.0 ?

It seems everything disappeared that was hosted on the repository except a few things I’m being lead to believe from the actions depicted and what’s been visibly made visible. Apologies for the inconvience. Read the first post.