Adding files to the HTTP server

At the minute the only way I’ve managed to expose files on the server (like the info.json and players.json files) is to create a new HTTP server and handle the requests through that.

I think it’d be nicer and simpler if we could add files to the existing HTTP server that is created when the server is started.

I am doing this in FxServer. I might post how I am doing this as a tutorial

It’s not exactly the same thing but it’s close enough :smiley:

How exactly can we use that function?

I tried this:

SetHttpHandler(function(req, res)
        res.send("Hello there, " .. req.path:sub(2) .. "!")

but when I navigate to the path curl -s http://localhost:30120/hmpf/dick it gets stuck fetching and doesn’t display anything.

and this code is in the client file of the resource called hmpf

check the runcode resource for an example

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