GPU error

I don’t have stream? Do I need it? I never saw that in any instructions

I will try reinstalling everything and see if that fixes it. back to the 60+ gigs of downloads… fun

How to install the client

Create a new folder anywhere on your computer.
Put the FiveReborn.exe in the folder you created previously.
Run the EXE and select the GTA V directory.
Wait for everything to download.
Set your username in the settings. (Top right) [Only works with Direct Connect]
Select a server in the server list or enter a IP to connect.
Enjoy playing FiveReborn!



ok, reinstalled GTAV and fivereborn, same problem.

Fivereborn was installed in a separate directory.

citizenfx log

I still don’t see any dmp files

again, all video drivers are up to date, directx is up to date, windows 10, onboard graphics disabled in bios.

This issue was resolved already.

The driver problem is still on-going. Meaning it isn’t disabled properly.

@Boss ok, other than disabling it in windows device manager and in the bios, how else can I disable the onboard graphics?

and why is your “add-on” or whatever it is not able to run when the main game is able to run with no problems? it’s the same game, same graphics engine… isn’t it?

hello? is this on? thump thump thump

would anyone like to help?

Patience is a good thing.

The driver just isn’t supported.

I am not sure why it wouldn’t be supported with your add on when it works fine in the game itself though?

i had the same problem…i updated the integrated intel hd graphics by downloading latest graphics drivers from intel website…and it worked…though the game runs on nvidia graphics card but some connection… i don’t know…
But i have a new problem…game loads infinitely while joining servers and shows some random errors…have to see…

@4-FUN I have also updated the video drivers from intel and still no workie.

sure glad I didn’t have to pay for this… no support… no answers… no game.

oh well, it looked like it had promise

@–van-- Exactly the same problem as me! So frustrating.

@–van-- said in GPU error:

sure glad I didn’t have to pay for this… no support… no answers… no game.

oh well, it looked like it had promise

You know that this mod is just an alpha? And there is no 24/7 support. And you didn’t pay anything for it. So just wait until the bugs get fixed.

@Trust37 Agreed. End of the day it’s free, we’re lucky we’re getting any replies at all! The problem will be solved… we just have to wait

@–van-- Managed to get mine working. After legit 10 times of rebooting and updating my intel drivers, disabling & uninstalling etc I got it to work.

Here’s how I did it: Manually update the intel drivers by going to Device Manager: Display Drivers > Intel integrated driver > update > restart pc > go back to device manager > uninstall & delete drivers from it > re launch. Good luck!

There was somebody that reported that uninstalling drivers and reinstalling worked.

@Boss However once I fixed this, the servers crash on the loading screens! gaah. Not having the best of luck with this so far lol