CitizenMP.Server (FiveM) - released 2017-04-30, build 3. Contains cfx-server 7503609dafd327a246291b09ae15bb1ec82a90df. Earlier builds were respun due to two critical flaws in master server code due to early local testing. Changes from previous release (45c2dc72261272a913127d0cb88e67f93dd71055 - $ git shortlog 45c2dc72261272a913127d0cb88e67f93dd71055..HEAD nihonium (4): Add history of commands Fix code style, rework start of the history handling More neat command input boxxy Cleanup flerovium (13): PerformHttpRequest fixes for Lua thread contexts heartbeat time fixes factor out GameServer into GameServerImplV1, stage 1 cleanup and more gameserverimpl refactoring WindowedLogger: not reborn? :/ changes before breaking it fix SendReliableCommand call breakage gitlab ci config cleanup, remove nuget get rid of uhttpsharp restore first return server version in initConnect result fix challenge corruption in getinfo iridium (1): darnit, that's a wrong host Contains cfx-server-data aeab2edc5cb98ba1991f99b911462f40cf7b7e9e. Changes from previous release (def0581d6d99fd2d5310dc12e017568ce25cfcab): $ git shortlog def0581d6d99fd2d5310dc12e017568ce25cfcab..HEAD ytterbium (3): ignore local resources change defaults spawnmanager: wait for collision