[89938671] Initialized system mapping! [89939171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939171] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89939171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939187] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939187] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89939187] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939187] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89939187] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [89939203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939203] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [89939203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939203] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [89939203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939218] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89939218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939218] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89939234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939234] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89939234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939234] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89939234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939250] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89939250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939250] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [89939250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939250] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89939265] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89939265] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89939265] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89939265] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939281] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89939281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939281] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89939281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939281] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89939296] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89939296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939296] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89939296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939312] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89939312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939312] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89939328] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89939328] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89939328] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939328] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89939343] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89939343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939343] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89939343] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89939359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939359] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89939359] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89939359] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89939375] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [89939375] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939375] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89939375] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89939375] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939390] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89939390] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89939390] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89939390] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939406] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89939406] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89939406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939406] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89939406] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89939421] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89939421] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89939421] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89939421] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939437] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89939437] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939437] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89939437] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89939453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939453] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89939453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939453] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89939453] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89939468] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89939468] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939468] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89939468] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89939484] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89939484] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89939484] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939484] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [89939500] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939500] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939500] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89939500] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89939515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939515] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89939515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939531] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89939531] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89939531] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89939531] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939546] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89939546] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89939546] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939546] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89939562] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89939562] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89939562] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89939562] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89939578] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89939578] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [89939578] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89939593] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [89939593] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939593] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89939593] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89939609] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939609] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89939609] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89939609] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89939625] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939625] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89939625] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89939625] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939640] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89939640] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939640] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89939656] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939656] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89939656] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89939671] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89939671] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89939671] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939671] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89939687] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89939687] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89939687] Initializing instance of rage:allocator:five. [89939703] Initializing instance of rage:device:five. [89939703] Initializing instance of rage:graphics:five. [89939703] Initializing instance of font-renderer. [89939718] Initializing instance of net:base. [89939718] Initializing instance of net:tcp-server. [89940015] Initializing instance of net:http-server. [89940031] Initializing instance of ros:five. [89940031] Initializing instance of rage:scripting:five. [89940031] Initializing instance of vfs:core. [89940046] Initializing instance of http-client. [89940046] Initializing instance of steam. [89940046] Initializing instance of profiles. [89940062] Initializing instance of net. [89940156] Initializing instance of rage:input:five. [89940156] Initializing instance of conhost:posh. [89940328] Initializing instance of debug:net. [89940328] Initializing instance of rage:nutsnbolts:five. [89940343] Initializing instance of gta:net:five. [89940343] Initializing instance of terminal:client. [89940343] Initializing instance of asi:five. [89940359] Initializing instance of scripthookv. [89940359] Initializing instance of gta:core:five. [89940359] Initializing instance of gta:streaming:five. [89940375] Initializing instance of nui:core. [89940375] Initializing instance of lovely-script. [89940375] Initializing instance of glue. [89940390] Initializing instance of gta:game:five. [89940390] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:core. [89940390] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:client. [89940406] Initializing instance of loading-screens:five. [89940406] Initializing instance of gta:mission-cleanup:five. [89940406] Initializing instance of nui:gsclient. [89940421] Initializing instance of citizen:level-loader:five. [89940421] Initializing instance of rage:formats:x. [89940421] Initializing instance of tool:formats. [89940421] Initializing instance of vfs:impl:rage. [89940437] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:metadata:lua. [89940437] Initializing instance of scripting:gta. [89940453] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:core. [89940453] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:gta. [89940468] Initializing instance of citizen:playernames:five. [89940468] Initializing instance of nui:resources. [89940468] Initializing instance of nui:profiles. [89940484] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:lua. [89940484] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:v8. [89940734] Initializing instance of citizen:legacy-net:resources. [89940750] Initializing instance of handling-loader:five. [89940750] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:mono. [89940859] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" [89941609] hello from "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" [89941734] Got ROS launcher process - pid 9556 [89941765] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941765] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941781] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89941781] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941781] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941796] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89941796] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941796] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89941812] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [89941812] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941812] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [89941812] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941828] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [89941828] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941828] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941828] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89941843] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941843] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89941843] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941843] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89941859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941859] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89941859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941859] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89941875] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941875] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [89941875] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941875] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89941890] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89941890] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89941890] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89941890] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941906] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89941906] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941906] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89941906] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941906] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89941921] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89941921] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941921] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89941921] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941937] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89941937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941953] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89941953] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89941953] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89941953] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941968] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89941968] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89941968] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941968] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89941968] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89941984] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89941984] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89941984] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89941984] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89942000] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [89942000] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942000] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89942000] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89942015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942015] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89942015] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89942015] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89942031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942031] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89942031] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89942031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942046] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89942046] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89942046] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89942046] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89942062] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89942062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942062] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89942062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942078] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89942078] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89942078] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942078] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89942093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942093] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89942093] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89942093] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89942109] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942109] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89942109] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89942109] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89942125] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89942125] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942140] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [89942140] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942156] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89942156] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89942171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942171] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89942171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942171] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89942187] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89942187] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89942187] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942203] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89942203] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89942203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942203] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89942218] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89942218] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89942218] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89942234] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89942234] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89942234] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [89942250] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89942250] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [89942250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942250] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89942265] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89942265] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942265] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89942281] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89942281] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89942281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942281] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89942296] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89942296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942296] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89942296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942312] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89942312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942312] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89942328] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89942328] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89942328] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89942328] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942343] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89942343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89942343] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89942406] hello from "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:launcher --parent_pid=13324 "F:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe" [89942500] F:\Five Reborn Client\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 mscorlib.dll is a platform image. [89942500] launcher! "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:launcher --parent_pid=13324 "F:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe" [89942531] Initialized system mapping! [89942609] F:\Five Reborn Client\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 CitizenFX.Core.dll is a platform image. [89942640] F:\Five Reborn Client\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 CitizenFX.Core.dll is a platform image. [89942656] Hello! [89943203] Initialized system mapping! [89943234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943234] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89943250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943250] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89943265] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943265] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89943265] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [89943281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943281] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [89943281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943281] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [89943296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943296] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89943312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943312] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89943312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943328] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89943328] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943343] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89943343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943343] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89943359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943359] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [89943359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943375] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89943375] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89943375] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89943375] Replacing function table list entry 0x142be3000 with 0x142be3000 [89943390] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89943390] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943390] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89943406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943406] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89943406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943421] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89943421] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89943421] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943437] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89943437] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943437] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89943453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943453] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89943468] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89943468] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89943468] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943468] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89943484] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89943484] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943484] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89943500] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89943500] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943500] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89943500] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89943515] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89943515] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [89943515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943531] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89943531] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89943531] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943531] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89943546] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89943546] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89943546] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943562] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89943562] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89943562] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943578] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89943578] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89943593] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89943593] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89943609] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89943609] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943609] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89943609] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943625] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89943625] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89943625] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943640] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89943640] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943640] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89943640] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89943656] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89943656] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943656] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89943656] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89943671] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89943671] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89943671] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943687] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [89943687] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943687] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943687] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89943703] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89943703] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943703] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89943703] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943718] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89943718] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89943718] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89943718] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943734] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89943734] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89943734] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943734] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89943750] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89943750] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89943750] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89943750] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89943765] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89943765] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [89943765] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89943765] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [89943781] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943781] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89943781] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89943781] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943796] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89943796] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89943796] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89943796] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943796] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89943812] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89943812] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943812] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89943812] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943828] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89943828] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943828] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89943843] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89943843] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89943843] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89943843] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943859] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89943859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89943859] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89943875] Initializing instance of rage:allocator:five. [89943875] Initializing instance of rage:device:five. [89943875] Initializing instance of rage:graphics:five. [89943890] Initializing instance of font-renderer. [89943890] Initializing instance of net:base. [89943890] Initializing instance of net:tcp-server. [89943906] Initializing instance of net:http-server. [89943906] Initializing instance of ros:five. [89943906] Initializing instance of rage:scripting:five. [89943921] Initializing instance of vfs:core. [89943921] Initializing instance of http-client. [89943921] Initializing instance of steam. [89943937] Initializing instance of profiles. [89943937] Initializing instance of net. [89943937] Initializing instance of rage:input:five. [89943953] Initializing instance of conhost:posh. [89943968] Initializing instance of debug:net. [89943984] Initializing instance of rage:nutsnbolts:five. [89943984] Initializing instance of gta:net:five. [89944000] Initializing instance of terminal:client. [89944015] Initializing instance of asi:five. [89944015] Initializing instance of scripthookv. [89944031] Initializing instance of gta:core:five. [89944031] Initializing instance of gta:streaming:five. [89944031] Initializing instance of nui:core. [89944046] Initializing instance of lovely-script. [89944046] Initializing instance of glue. [89944046] Initializing instance of gta:game:five. [89944062] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:core. [89944062] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:client. [89944062] Initializing instance of loading-screens:five. [89944062] Initializing instance of gta:mission-cleanup:five. [89944078] Initializing instance of nui:gsclient. [89944078] Initializing instance of citizen:level-loader:five. [89944093] Initializing instance of rage:formats:x. [89944093] Initializing instance of tool:formats. [89944093] Initializing instance of vfs:impl:rage. [89944109] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:metadata:lua. [89944109] Initializing instance of scripting:gta. [89944109] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:core. [89944125] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:gta. [89944125] Initializing instance of citizen:playernames:five. [89944125] Initializing instance of nui:resources. [89944125] Initializing instance of nui:profiles. [89944140] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:lua. [89944140] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:v8. [89944156] Initializing instance of citizen:legacy-net:resources. [89944171] Initializing instance of handling-loader:five. [89944171] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:mono. [89944171] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" -steamchild:13324 [89944187] game parent PID: 13324 [89944203] waiting for process to exit... [89944953] Replacing function table list entry 0x14054f000 with 0x14054f000 [89949546] wfsopen! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local [89949562] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local [89949562] wfsopen! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local [89949562] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local [89950234] wfsopen! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\launcher.log [89950250] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\launcher.log [89950281] wfsopen! version.txt [89950296] wfsopen tail! version.txt [89950328] versioninfo F:\Five Reborn Client\GTA5.exe [89950406] versioninfo F:\Five Reborn Client\cache\game\ros\socialclub.dll [89950484] versioninfo F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe [89951078] closesocket 0x408 [89951109] getaddrinfoexw: patches.rockstargames.com [89951109] closesocket 0x4cc [89951125] closesocket 0x408 [89951125] connect 1393ca7f [89951140] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml [89951140] HttpQueryInfoW: 5 [89951140] wfsopen! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [89951156] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [89951156] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml [89951171] wfsopen! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [89951171] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [89951265] versioninfo F:\Five Reborn Client\GTA5.exe [89951328] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [89951328] HttpQueryInfoW: 5 [89951343] closesocket 0x408 [89951343] wfsopen! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [89951359] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [89951359] connect 1393ca7f [89951359] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [89951375] wfsopen! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [89951375] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [89951421] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [89951437] HttpQueryInfoW: 1073741833 [89951437] closesocket 0x4f0 [89951453] wfsopen! [89951453] wfsopen tail! [89951515] versioninfo F:\Five Reborn Client\cache\game\ros\socialclub.dll [89952000] Got ROS subprocess - pid 12100 [89952015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952031] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89952031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952046] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89952046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952062] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89952062] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [89952062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952062] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [89952078] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952078] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [89952093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952093] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89952093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952109] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89952109] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952109] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89952125] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952125] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89952125] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952125] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89952140] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952140] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [89952140] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952140] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89952156] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89952156] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89952156] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89952156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952171] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89952171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952171] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89952171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952187] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89952187] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89952187] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952187] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89952203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952203] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89952203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952218] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89952218] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89952218] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89952234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952234] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89952234] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89952250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952250] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89952250] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89952250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952250] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89952265] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89952265] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89952265] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [89952265] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952281] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89952281] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89952281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952281] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89952296] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89952296] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89952296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952296] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89952312] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89952312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952312] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89952312] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89952328] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89952328] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89952328] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89952328] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952343] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89952343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952343] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89952343] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89952359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952359] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89952359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952359] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89952375] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89952375] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89952375] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952375] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89952390] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89952390] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89952390] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89952390] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952406] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [89952406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952406] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89952421] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89952421] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952421] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89952437] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952437] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89952437] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89952453] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89952453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952453] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89952468] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89952468] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952468] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89952468] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89952484] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89952484] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89952484] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89952484] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89952500] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [89952500] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89952500] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [89952515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952515] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89952515] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89952515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952531] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89952531] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89952531] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89952546] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952546] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89952546] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89952562] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952562] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89952562] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952578] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89952578] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952593] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89952609] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89952625] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89952625] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89952640] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952640] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89952656] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89952656] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89952734] hello from "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=9556 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_2554 --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Vitor*%20*Rossignolli\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Launcher\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-gpu --lang=pt --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [89952828] sub! "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=9556 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_2554 --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Vitor*%20*Rossignolli\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Launcher\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-gpu --lang=pt --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [89952843] Initialized system mapping! [89953078] Replacing function table list entry 0x14009c000 with 0x14009c000 [89954828] Got ROS subprocess - pid 3016 [89954859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954875] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89954875] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954875] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954890] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89954890] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954890] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89954906] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [89954906] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954906] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [89954906] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954921] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [89954921] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954921] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954937] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89954937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954937] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89954937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954953] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89954953] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954953] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89954968] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954968] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89954968] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954968] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [89954984] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89954984] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89954984] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89955000] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89955000] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89955000] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955000] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89955015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955015] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89955015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955015] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89955031] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89955031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955031] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89955046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955046] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89955046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955062] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89955062] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89955062] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89955062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955078] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89955078] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89955078] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955078] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89955093] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89955093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955093] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89955093] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89955109] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89955109] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [89955109] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955109] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89955125] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89955125] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955125] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89955125] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89955140] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89955140] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955140] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89955156] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89955156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955156] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89955156] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89955171] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89955171] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89955171] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89955171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955187] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89955187] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955187] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89955187] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89955203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955203] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89955203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955218] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89955218] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89955218] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89955218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955234] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89955234] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89955234] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89955234] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89955250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955250] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [89955250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955265] [FontRenderer] Initializing DirectWrite. [89955265] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89955265] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89955281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955281] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89955281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955296] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89955296] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89955296] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89955296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955312] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89955312] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89955312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955312] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89955328] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89955328] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89955328] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89955328] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89955343] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89955343] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [89955343] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89955343] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [89955359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955359] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89955359] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89955375] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955375] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89955375] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89955390] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89955390] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955390] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89955390] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89955406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955406] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89955406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955406] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89955421] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955421] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89955421] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89955421] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89955437] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89955437] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955437] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89955437] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89955453] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89955515] hello from "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --enable-deferred-image-decoding --lang=en-US --lang=pt --log-severity=disable --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --font-cache-shared-mem-suffix=12100 --enable-pinch-virtual-viewport --enable-delegated-renderer --num-raster-threads=2 --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="12100.0.1513730684\114842623" --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_2554_channel_1 /prefetch:673131151 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [89955593] sub! "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --enable-deferred-image-decoding --lang=en-US --lang=pt --log-severity=disable --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --font-cache-shared-mem-suffix=12100 --enable-pinch-virtual-viewport --enable-delegated-renderer --num-raster-threads=2 --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="12100.0.1513730684\114842623" --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_2554_channel_1 /prefetch:673131151 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [89955625] Initialized system mapping! [89955640] Replacing function table list entry 0x14009c000 with 0x14009c000 [89955796] closesocket 0x614 [89955796] closesocket 0x61c [89955812] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [89955812] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [89955812] closesocket 0x61c [89955828] connect 1a86337f [89955828] event type 4 occurred on socket 604 [89955843] event type 0 occurred on socket 604 [89955890] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET //scui/v2/desktop [89955890] event type 0 occurred on socket 604 [89955906] closesocket 0x7a4 [89955906] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [89955906] versioning: /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [89955921] event type 0 occurred on socket 604 [89955921] closesocket 0x7ac [89955937] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/splash.png [89955937] versioning: /prod/gtav/splash.png [89955968] event type 0 occurred on socket 604 [89956015] closesocket 0x7a4 [89956031] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/roboto.ttf [89956031] versioning: /prod/gtav/roboto.ttf [89956046] event type 0 occurred on socket 604 [89957015] closesocket 0x7dc [89957015] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cfx/login [89957015] event type 0 occurred on socket 604 [89957031] closesocket 0x604 [89957750] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [89957796] connect 1a86337f [89957921] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/CreateScAuthToken [89958109] closesocket 0x858 [89958625] getaddrinfow: DESKTOP-LKCC3UK and a paper urn [89958625] wls: DESKTOP-LKCC3UK [89958640] closesocket 0x7e8 [89958640] wfsopen! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\temp.telem [89958656] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\temp.telem [89958656] wfsopen! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\launcher.telem [89958656] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\launcher.telem [89958671] wfsopen! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\bootstrap.telem [89958671] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\bootstrap.telem [89958812] connect 1a86337f [89958906] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlementBlock [89959109] closesocket 0x8d0 [89959187] done decrypting ros bits [89959250] wfsopen! [89959250] wfsopen tail! [89959296] versioninfo F:\Five Reborn Client\GTA5.exe [89959328] wfsopen! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mspaint.exe [89959343] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\VITORR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\mspaint.exe [89959359] wfsopen! [89959359] wfsopen tail! [89959453] wfsopen! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\in-13324 [89959484] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\Vitor Rossignolli\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA V\in-13324 [89959625] closesocket 0x7e0 [89961500] connect 1a86337f [89961625] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [89961718] closesocket 0x938 [89961921] Initialized system mapping! [89961953] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89961953] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89961968] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89961968] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89961968] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89961984] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89961984] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89961984] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89961984] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [89962000] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962000] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [89962000] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962000] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [89962015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962015] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89962015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962031] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89962031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962031] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89962031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962046] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89962046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962046] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89962046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962062] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [89962062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962062] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89962062] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89962078] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89962078] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89962078] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962078] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89962093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962093] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89962093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962093] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89962093] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89962109] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962109] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89962109] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962109] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89962125] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962125] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962125] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89962125] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89962140] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89962140] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962140] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89962140] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89962156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962171] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89962187] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89962187] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962187] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89962187] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89962203] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89962203] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [89962203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962203] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89962218] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89962218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962218] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89962218] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89962234] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89962234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962234] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89962234] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89962250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962250] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89962250] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89962250] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89962265] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89962265] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89962265] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962265] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89962281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962281] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89962281] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89962281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962296] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89962296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962296] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89962296] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89962312] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89962312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962312] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89962312] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89962328] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89962328] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89962328] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962328] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [89962343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962343] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89962343] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89962359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962359] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89962359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962359] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89962375] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89962375] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89962375] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962375] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89962390] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89962390] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962390] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89962390] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89962406] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89962406] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89962406] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89962406] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89962406] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [89962421] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89962421] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [89962421] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962421] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89962437] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89962437] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962437] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89962437] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89962453] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89962453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962453] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89962453] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89962468] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962468] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89962468] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962468] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89962484] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962484] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89962484] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89962484] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89962500] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89962500] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962500] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89962500] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89962515] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89962515] Initializing instance of rage:allocator:five. [89962515] Initializing instance of rage:device:five. [89962531] Initializing instance of rage:graphics:five. [89962531] Initializing instance of font-renderer. [89962531] Initializing instance of net:base. [89962546] Initializing instance of net:tcp-server. [89962546] Initializing instance of net:http-server. [89962546] Initializing instance of ros:five. [89962562] Initializing instance of rage:scripting:five. [89962562] Initializing instance of vfs:core. [89962562] Initializing instance of http-client. [89962578] Initializing instance of steam. [89962578] Initializing instance of profiles. [89962578] Initializing instance of net. [89962593] Initializing instance of rage:input:five. [89962593] Initializing instance of conhost:posh. [89962609] Initializing instance of debug:net. [89962609] Initializing instance of rage:nutsnbolts:five. [89962609] Initializing instance of gta:net:five. [89962625] Initializing instance of terminal:client. [89962625] Initializing instance of asi:five. [89962640] Initializing instance of scripthookv. [89962640] Initializing instance of gta:core:five. [89962640] Initializing instance of gta:streaming:five. [89962656] Initializing instance of nui:core. [89962656] Initializing instance of lovely-script. [89962656] Initializing instance of glue. [89962656] Initializing instance of gta:game:five. [89962671] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:core. [89962671] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:client. [89962671] Initializing instance of loading-screens:five. [89962687] Initializing instance of gta:mission-cleanup:five. [89962687] Initializing instance of nui:gsclient. [89962718] Initializing instance of citizen:level-loader:five. [89962718] Initializing instance of rage:formats:x. [89962718] Initializing instance of tool:formats. [89962734] Initializing instance of vfs:impl:rage. [89962734] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:metadata:lua. [89962734] Initializing instance of scripting:gta. [89962750] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:core. [89962750] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:gta. [89962750] Initializing instance of citizen:playernames:five. [89962765] Initializing instance of nui:resources. [89962765] Initializing instance of nui:profiles. [89962765] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:lua. [89962781] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:v8. [89962812] Initializing instance of citizen:legacy-net:resources. [89962812] Initializing instance of handling-loader:five. [89962828] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:mono. [89962843] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" --type=gpu-process --disable-gpu-watchdog --no-sandbox --lang=en-US --locales-dir-path="F:\Five Reborn Client\bin/cef/" --log-file="F:\Five Reborn Client\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --resources-dir-path="F:\Five Reborn Client\bin/cef/" --supports-dual-gpus=false --gpu-driver-bug-workarounds=7,19,20,23,40,71 --gpu-vendor-id=0x10de --gpu-device-id=0x1187 --gpu-driver-vendor=NVIDIA --gpu-driver-version= --gpu-driver-date=11-10-2016 --lang=en-US --locales-dir-path="F:\Five Reborn Client\bin/cef/" --log-file="F:\Five Reborn Client\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --resources-dir-path="F:\Five Reborn Client\bin/cef/" --service-request-channel-token=62A4D76B48A7A39FD25A4D069005F7AC --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2268 /prefetch:2 [89966937] connect 1a86337f [89967062] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [89967156] closesocket 0x8e4 [89972109] connect 1a86337f [89972453] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [89972531] closesocket 0x8e4 [89975156] connect 1a86337f [89975296] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [89975453] closesocket 0x90c [89979343] connect 1a86337f [89979484] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [89979593] closesocket 0x8f4 [89997968] GetScSdkStub [89997968] RgscStub::QueryInterface [89997968] RgscStub::Initialize [89998046] Got ROS subprocess - pid 15244 [89998062] RgscStub::m_05 [89998062] RgscStub::m_04 [89998062] RgscStub::m_14 [89998078] RgscStub::m_07 [89998078] RgscStub::m_09 [89998078] RgscStub::m_10 [89998093] RgscStub::m_06 [89998093] RgscStub::GetUI [89998093] RgscStub::m_08 [89998109] RgscStub::m_11 [89998109] RgscStub::m_15 [89998109] NullInitializeGraphics [89998156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998156] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89998171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998171] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89998171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998187] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89998187] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [89998187] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998203] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [89998203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998218] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [89998218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998234] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89998250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998250] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89998250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998265] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89998265] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998281] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89998281] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998296] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89998296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998312] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [89998312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998312] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89998328] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89998328] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89998343] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89998343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998359] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89998359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998359] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89998375] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998375] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89998390] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89998406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998406] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89998421] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998437] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [89998453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998468] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89998484] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89998500] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89998500] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998515] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89998515] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89998531] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998531] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [89998546] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89998546] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998562] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89998562] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89998578] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [89998593] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [89998625] somefunc found TitleUpdateDLC:/! [89998703] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998718] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998734] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998734] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89998734] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [89998734] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998750] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998750] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998781] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998781] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998781] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998781] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998796] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998796] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89998796] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89998796] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998812] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89998843] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998875] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998890] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89998906] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998906] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89998937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89998937] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998937] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [89998953] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89998953] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [89998968] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89998984] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999000] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89999000] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999031] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89999062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999062] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89999078] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999078] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999093] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999109] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89999109] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999125] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89999156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999171] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999187] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89999218] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999250] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89999250] del cfxcollection 0x189d82e0 [89999281] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [89999281] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89999296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999296] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999296] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89999312] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89999312] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89999312] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89999328] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999328] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [89999328] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999328] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999343] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999343] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89999343] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [89999359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999359] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89999359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999375] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89999375] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89999375] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999390] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89999390] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999390] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89999406] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89999406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999406] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999406] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89999421] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [89999421] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [89999421] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [89999437] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999437] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89999437] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [89999437] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [89999453] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [89999453] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [89999453] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999468] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89999468] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [89999484] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999484] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999484] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89999500] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89999515] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89999515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999531] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999531] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [89999531] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [89999546] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999546] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999546] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89999562] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999562] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89999562] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999578] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [89999578] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999593] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [89999593] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89999593] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [89999609] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999609] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999625] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [89999640] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [89999640] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999640] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [89999671] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999703] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999765] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999765] hello from "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=13324 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_340c --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Vitor*%20*Rossignolli\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-gpu --lang=pt --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [89999781] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999812] del cfxcollection 0x189e4000 [89999812] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY12NG:/! [89999828] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY12NGCRC:/content.xml [89999828] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY11NG:/! [89999828] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY11NGCRC:/content.xml [89999843] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY10NG:/! [89999843] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY10NGCRC:/content.xml [89999843] somefunc found dlc_patchday9NG:/! [89999859] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchday9NGCRC:/content.xml [89999859] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY8NG:/! [89999859] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY8NGCRC:/content.xml [89999875] somefunc found dlc_patchDay7NG:/! [89999875] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay7NGCRC:/content.xml [89999875] somefunc found dlc_patchDay6NG:/! [89999890] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay6NGCRC:/content.xml [89999890] somefunc found dlc_patchDay5NG:/! [89999890] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay5NGCRC:/content.xml [89999906] sub! "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=13324 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_340c --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Vitor*%20*Rossignolli\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-gpu --lang=pt --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [89999906] somefunc found dlc_patchDay4NG:/! [89999906] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay4NGCRC:/content.xml [89999921] somefunc found dlc_patchDay3NG:/! [89999921] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay3NGCRC:/content.xml [89999921] somefunc found dlc_patchDay2bNG:/! [89999937] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay2bNGCRC:/content.xml [89999937] somefunc found dlc_patchDay2NG:/! [89999937] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay2NGCRC:/content.xml [89999953] Initialized system mapping! [89999953] somefunc found dlc_patchDay1NG:/! [89999953] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay1NGCRC:/content.xml [89999968] Replacing function table list entry 0x14009c000 with 0x14009c000 [89999984] somefunc found dlc_mpPatchesNG:/! [89999984] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpPatchesNGCRC:/content.xml [90001218] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_CORE init functions [90001218] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (52 total) [90001218] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking InitSystem INIT_CORE init (1 out of 52) [90001234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderLib INIT_CORE init (2 out of 52) [90001296] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_CORE init (3 out of 52) [90001343] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_CORE init (4 out of 52) [90001343] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_CORE init (5 out of 52) [90001500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 52) [90001515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 52) [90001515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_CORE init (8 out of 52) [90002187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_CORE init (9 out of 52) [90002187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_CORE init (10 out of 52) [90002187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCullZones INIT_CORE init (11 out of 52) [90002203] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExpensiveProcessDistributer INIT_CORE init (12 out of 52) [90002203] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_CORE init (13 out of 52) [90002218] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CutSceneManagerWrapper INIT_CORE init (14 out of 52) [90002218] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xd2cfbc62 INIT_CORE init (15 out of 52) [90002234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortalTracker INIT_CORE init (16 out of 52) [90002234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_CORE init (17 out of 52) [90002578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_CORE init (18 out of 52) [90002593] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_CORE init (19 out of 52) [90002593] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPlantMgr INIT_CORE init (20 out of 52) [90002671] closesocket 0x2158 [90002671] binder on 17185 is 0x217c [90002687] Got ROS subprocess - pid 3540 [90002703] getaddrinfow: DESKTOP-LKCC3UK and a paper urn [90002703] wls: DESKTOP-LKCC3UK [90002718] closesocket 0x21f4 [90002765] closesocket 0x226c [90002796] getaddrinfow: wpad and a paper urn [90002796] Initialized system mapping! [90002796] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002796] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002796] wls: wpad [90002812] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [90002828] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002843] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002843] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90002859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002859] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002859] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90002875] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]).]). [90002875] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002875] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [90002875] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002890] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90002890] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002890] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [90002890] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002906] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002906] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90002906] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002906] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [90002921] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002921] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [90002921] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [90002921] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002921] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90002921] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002937] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [90002937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002937] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [90002937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002937] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002953] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [90002953] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [90002953] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002953] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002968] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [90002968] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90002968] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002968] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002984] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). lient[]). [90002984] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002984] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90002984] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [90002984] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [90003000] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003000] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [90003000] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90003000] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [90003015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). conhost:posh[]). [90003015] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [90003015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003015] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003031] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [90003031] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [90003031] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003031] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [90003031] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90003031] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90003046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003046] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [90003046] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003046] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90003062] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [90003062] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [90003062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003062] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003062] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [90003062] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90003078] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003078] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003078] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [90003078] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90003078] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [90003093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderHairSort INIT_CORE init (21 out of 52) [90003093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_CORE init (22 out of 52) [90003093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_CORE init (23 out of 52) [90003093] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [90003093] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). IT_CORE init (24 out of 52) [90003093] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [90003109] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90003109] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [90003109] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003109] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003125] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003140] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [90003140] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003156] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [90003156] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003156] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). . [90003171] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [90003171] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90003171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003171] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003171] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003187] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003187] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90003203] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [90003203] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003203] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [90003218] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [90003218] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003234] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003234] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [90003234] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90003234] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003250] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003250] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003265] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90003265] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90003281] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003281] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [90003281] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [90003281] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [90003296] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xcaf18c95 INIT_CORE init (25 out of 52) [90003296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003296] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003296] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x93ae9b6e INIT_CORE init (26 out of 52) [90003312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x52ae9cff INIT_CORE init (27 out of 52) [90003312] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [90003312] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xcff8e8f8 INIT_CORE init (28 out of 52) [90003312] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [90003312] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [90003312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (29 out of 52) [90003312] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003328] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [90003328] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90003328] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90003328] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003343] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [90003343] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [90003359] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003359] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003375] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [90003375] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003375] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [90003390] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003390] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003406] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003406] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [90003406] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [90003406] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [90003406] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [90003421] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003421] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003437] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [90003437] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003437] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFrontendStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (30 out of 52) [90003453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003453] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003453] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003453] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003453] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [90003468] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [90003468] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [90003468] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [90003468] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003468] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [90003468] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003484] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003484] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003484] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [90003484] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003484] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControllerLabelMgr INIT_CORE init (31 out of 52) [90003500] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003500] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_CORE init (32 out of 52) [90003500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_CORE init (33 out of 52) [90003500] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [90003500] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [90003500] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [90003515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003515] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [90003515] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003531] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003531] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003531] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [90003531] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [90003531] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003531] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003546] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003546] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003546] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [90003546] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003562] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003562] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003562] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003578] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003578] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [90003593] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003593] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [90003593] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003593] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003609] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003609] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003609] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003609] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [90003625] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003625] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003625] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003625] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003640] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003640] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003640] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003640] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003656] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003656] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [90003656] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003656] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003671] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [90003671] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003671] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003671] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [90003671] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [90003671] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [90003687] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_CORE init (34 out of 52) [90003687] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_CORE init (35 out of 52) [90003687] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [90003687] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003687] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [90003687] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_CORE init (36 out of 52) [90003687] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_CORE init (37 out of 52) [90003703] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [90003703] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [90003703] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_CORE init (38 out of 52) [90003703] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [90003703] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [90003703] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90003718] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_CORE init (40 out of 52) [90003718] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003718] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). anager INIT_CORE init (41 out of 52) [90003718] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003718] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTuningManager INIT_CORE init (42 out of 52) [90003718] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [90003718] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [90003734] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003734] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003734] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [90003734] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003734] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003734] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003750] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003750] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003750] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). files[]). [90003750] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003750] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [90003765] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003765] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [90003765] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003781] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003781] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003781] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003781] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003796] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90003796] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003796] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). 0]). [90003812] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003812] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003812] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [90003812] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [90003812] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [90003812] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003828] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003828] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003828] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [90003828] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003828] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003828] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003843] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [90003875] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAppDataMgr INIT_CORE init (43 out of 52) [90003875] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetRespawnMgr INIT_CORE init (44 out of 52) [90003875] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [90003890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAgitatedManager INIT_CORE init (45 out of 52) [90003890] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [90003890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioActionManager INIT_CORE init (46 out of 52) [90003906] Initializing instance of rage:allocator:five. [90003906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_CORE init (47 out of 52) [90003906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPostScan INIT_CORE init (48 out of 52) [90003906] Initializing instance of rage:device:five. [90003906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr INIT_CORE init (49 out of 52) [90003906] Initializing instance of rage:graphics:five. [90003921] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_CORE init (50 out of 52) [90003921] Initializing instance of font-renderer. [90003921] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CIplCullBox INIT_CORE init (51 out of 52) [90003921] Initializing instance of net:base. [90003921] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking perfClearingHouse INIT_CORE init (52 out of 52) [90003921] Initializing instance of net:tcp-server. [90003937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (11 total) [90003937] Initializing instance of net:http-server. [90003937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScene INIT_CORE init (1 out of 11) [90003937] Initializing instance of ros:five. [90003937] Initializing instance of rage:scripting:five. [90003953] Initializing instance of vfs:core. [90003968] hello from "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --enable-deferred-image-decoding --lang=en-US --lang=pt --log-severity=disable --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --font-cache-shared-mem-suffix=15244 --enable-pinch-virtual-viewport --enable-delegated-renderer --num-raster-threads=2 --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="15244.0.1288318963\353709669" --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_340c_channel_1 /prefetch:673131151 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [90003968] Initializing instance of http-client. [90003984] Initializing instance of steam. [90004000] Initializing instance of profiles. [90004000] Initializing instance of net. [90004015] Initializing instance of rage:input:five. [90004031] Initializing instance of conhost:posh. [90004046] Initializing instance of debug:net. [90004062] Initializing instance of rage:nutsnbolts:five. [90004062] Initializing instance of gta:net:five. [90004078] Initializing instance of terminal:client. [90004093] Initializing instance of asi:five. [90004109] Initializing instance of scripthookv. [90004109] sub! "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --enable-deferred-image-decoding --lang=en-US --lang=pt --log-severity=disable --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --font-cache-shared-mem-suffix=15244 --enable-pinch-virtual-viewport --enable-delegated-renderer --num-raster-threads=2 --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="15244.0.1288318963\353709669" --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_340c_channel_1 /prefetch:673131151 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [90004125] Initializing instance of gta:core:five. [90004125] Initializing instance of gta:streaming:five. [90004140] Initializing instance of nui:core. [90004156] Initializing instance of lovely-script. [90004156] Initialized system mapping! [90004156] Initializing instance of glue. [90004171] Replacing function table list entry 0x14009c000 with 0x14009c000 [90004171] Initializing instance of gta:game:five. [90004187] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:core. [90004203] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:client. [90004203] Initializing instance of loading-screens:five. [90004218] Initializing instance of gta:mission-cleanup:five. [90004234] Initializing instance of nui:gsclient. [90004250] Initializing instance of citizen:level-loader:five. [90004250] Initializing instance of rage:formats:x. [90004265] Initializing instance of tool:formats. [90004265] Initializing instance of vfs:impl:rage. [90004281] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:metadata:lua. [90004281] Initializing instance of scripting:gta. [90004296] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:core. [90004343] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:gta. [90004359] Initializing instance of citizen:playernames:five. [90004406] Initializing instance of nui:resources. [90004437] Initializing instance of nui:profiles. [90004453] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:lua. [90004484] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:v8. [90004546] Initializing instance of citizen:legacy-net:resources. [90004562] Initializing instance of handling-loader:five. [90004593] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:mono. [90004625] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "F:\Five Reborn Client\FiveReborn.exe" --type=renderer --enable-experimental-web-platform-features --no-sandbox --primordial-pipe-token=BA350A2E2B8B6B541674726C087949ED --lang=en-US --lang=en-US --locales-dir-path="F:\Five Reborn Client\bin/cef/" --log-file="F:\Five Reborn Client\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --resources-dir-path="F:\Five Reborn Client\bin/cef/" --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=2 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --content-image-texture-target=0,0,3553;0,1,3553;0,2,3553;0,3,3553;0,4,3553;0,5,3553;0,6,3553;0,7,3553;0,8,3553;0,9,3553;0,10,3553;0,11,3553;0,12,3553;0,13,3553;0,14,3553;0,15,3553;1,0,3553;1,1,3553;1,2,3553;1,3,3553;1,4,3553;1,5,3553;1,6,3553;1,7,3553;1,8,3553;1,9,3553;1,10,3553;1,11,3553;1,12,3553;1,13,3553;1,14,3553;1,15,3553;2,0,3553;2,1,3553;2,2,3553;2,3,3553;2,4,3553;2,5,3553;2,6,3553;2,7,3553;2,8,3553;2,9,3553;2,10,3553;2,11,3553;2,12,3553;2,13,3553;2,14,3553;2,15,3553;3,0,3553;3,1,3553;3,2,3553;3,3,3553;3,4,3553;3,5,3553;3,6,3553;3,7,3553;3,8,3553;3,9,3553;3,10,3553;3,11,3553;3,12,3553;3,13,3553;3,14,3553;3,15,3553 --service-request-channel-token=BA350A2E2B8B6B541674726C087949ED --renderer-client-id=3 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=7300 /prefetch:1 [90005500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_CORE init (2 out of 11) [90005515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_CORE init (3 out of 11) [90005781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInit INIT_CORE init (4 out of 11) [90005781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_CORE init (5 out of 11) [90005781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 11) [90005796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLightManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 11) [90005796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLights INIT_CORE init (8 out of 11) [90005796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AmbientLights INIT_CORE init (9 out of 11) [90005812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_CORE init (10 out of 11) [90005812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_CORE init (11 out of 11) [90005812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (20 total) [90005828] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_CORE init (1 out of 20) [90005875] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking cStoreScreenMgr INIT_CORE init (2 out of 20) [90005890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xa05ca7da INIT_CORE init (3 out of 20) [90005890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xd81097fd INIT_CORE init (4 out of 20) [90005890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xa3200712 INIT_CORE init (5 out of 20) [90005906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xfaab3737 INIT_CORE init (6 out of 20) [90005906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x602ee6e2 INIT_CORE init (7 out of 20) [90005906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_CORE init (8 out of 20) [90005921] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_CORE init (9 out of 20) [90005921] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WarningScreen INIT_CORE init (10 out of 20) [90005937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_CORE init (11 out of 20) [90005937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_CORE init (12 out of 20) [90005937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x2527583e INIT_CORE init (13 out of 20) [90005953] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameStreamMgr INIT_CORE init (14 out of 20) [90005984] closesocket 0x698 [90006015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4d167300 INIT_CORE init (15 out of 20) [90006015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMetaDataStore INIT_CORE init (16 out of 20) [90006015] closesocket 0x6a0 [90006015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x7ef069c3 INIT_CORE init (17 out of 20) [90006031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xc90b32b2 INIT_CORE init (18 out of 20) [90006031] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90006031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking UI3DDrawManager INIT_CORE init (19 out of 20) [90006046] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x73aa6f9e INIT_CORE init (20 out of 20) [90006046] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90006046] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_CORE init functions! [90006062] closesocket 0x628 [90006078] connect 1a86337f [90006093] event type 4 occurred on socket 69c [90006171] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006218] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006312] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /scui/v2/desktop [90006328] closesocket 0x69c [90006375] closesocket 0x85c [90006390] closesocket 0x6a0 [90006390] closesocket 0x85c [90006406] connect 1a86337f [90006421] event type 4 occurred on socket 6a0 [90006453] event type 0 occurred on socket 6a0 [90006453] wls: updater.fivereborn.com [90006468] Settings loaded! [90006468] received infoResponse [90006484] event type 0 occurred on socket 6a0 [90006500] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [90006500] versioning: /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [90006515] closesocket 0x6a0 [90006562] closesocket 0x844 [90006593] closesocket 0x69c [90006625] closesocket 0x85c [90006640] connect 1a86337f [90006687] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006703] event type 4 occurred on socket 69c [90006734] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006734] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006765] query server 0 18e9f898 [90006765] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006765] query server 1 6cab53c5 [90006765] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006796] query server 2 b85a509c [90006796] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/splash.png [90006796] versioning: /prod/gtav/splash.png [90006796] query server 3 57628ff9 [90006812] query server 4 574e9343 [90006828] query server 5 4a5b7707 [90006843] query server 6 62d512bc [90006843] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006859] query server 7 c6cce49a [90006859] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90006859] query server 8 33fe25f2 [90006875] query server 9 a3ac1d79 [90006875] query server 10 d9d988de [90006890] query server 11 25e7f1ad [90006890] query server 12 53e36e8b [90006906] query server 13 187eab91 [90006906] query server 14 25bbbb89 [90006921] query server 15 49de9f7a [90006921] query server 16 90d95ea3 [90006921] query server 17 55d61283 [90006937] query server 18 97501b9d [90006953] query server 19 4a5b7707 [90006953] query server 20 4d440ae7 [90006968] query server 21 d9d174dd [90006984] query server 22 51a9f175 [90007000] query server 23 95ca5890 [90007000] query server 24 3f8df782 [90007015] query server 25 9538501f [90007015] query server 26 6c1e80a8 [90007015] query server 27 d4c61488 [90007031] query server 28 2e3ef85c [90007031] query server 29 6d469441 [90007046] query server 30 894a774e [90007046] query server 31 894a6a36 [90007062] query server 32 18fd4799 [90007062] query server 33 b92c4ed3 [90007078] query server 34 b19a282b [90007078] query server 35 59fb9c2e [90007093] query server 36 63ee351c [90007093] query server 37 4a3fef52 [90007093] query server 38 51cc9ff8 [90007109] query server 39 51ecfeb9 [90007109] received infoResponse [90007125] received infoResponse [90007140] received infoResponse [90007156] received infoResponse [90007171] received infoResponse [90007203] received infoResponse [90007218] closesocket 0x2c6c [90007250] connect 91ab7e18 [90007265] received infoResponse [90007265] connect f225fe33 [90007281] received infoResponse [90007296] connect 7a9fde49 [90007296] received infoResponse [90007343] connect a35ed990 [90007343] received infoResponse [90007359] received infoResponse [90007375] received infoResponse [90007421] received infoResponse [90007437] connect 82f78d3f [90007453] received infoResponse [90007468] received infoResponse [90007500] connect 9d1b5097 [90007515] received infoResponse [90007531] connect 8312d655 [90007546] received infoResponse [90007562] received infoResponse [90007593] connect 9058ca95 [90007609] received infoResponse [90007625] received infoResponse [90007765] closesocket 0x850 [90007781] closesocket 0x2cb0 [90007781] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cfx/login [90007781] WinHttpReceiveResponse on failed - error code 12152 [90007781] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90007796] event type 0 occurred on socket 69c [90008093] received infoResponse [90008140] connect dd74d1d9 [90008187] received infoResponse [90008250] connect 8814c6d4 [90008296] received infoResponse [90008375] connect 4194466d [90008421] received infoResponse [90008484] received infoResponse [90008531] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90008578] received infoResponse [90008593] connect 1a86337f [90008609] received infoResponse [90008671] connect d34e2cb9 [90008703] received infoResponse [90008734] connect b9feec51 [90008734] received infoResponse [90008750] connect 5cf83e2e [90008765] query server 40 a3acc9be [90008781] query server 41 5eb1f21d [90008781] query server 42 b9269696 [90008796] query server 43 615f968e [90008796] query server 44 4b8a6a14 [90008812] query server 45 338cbf6d [90008812] query server 46 c06314e9 [90008828] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/CreateScAuthToken [90008828] query server 47 c06314e9 [90008843] query server 48 c0632d86 [90008843] query server 49 516a12c3 [90008859] query server 50 23a4ad6f [90008875] query server 51 95386a21 [90008890] query server 52 a484c9cc [90008906] query server 53 c06393c4 [90008906] query server 54 894a6a36 [90008921] query server 55 23a21d80 [90008921] query server 56 ae373f12 [90008937] query server 57 4ac11c06 [90008937] query server 58 6ba176b3 [90008953] query server 59 d9d07b7b [90008968] query server 60 33feccb6 [90008968] query server 61 c06314e9 [90008984] query server 62 c06314e9 [90009000] query server 63 acf5d79d [90009000] query server 64 55d6e095 [90009000] query server 65 4d6680d4 [90009031] query server 66 9538848c [90009031] closesocket 0x2cac [90009046] query server 67 55703954 [90009046] query server 68 338cbf6d [90009062] query server 69 6bbd2d0c [90009078] query server 70 4296798b [90009156] query server 71 b8a14c12 [90009171] query server 72 54f6dbc [90009187] query server 73 a64631a6 [90009187] query server 74 94fb4655 [90009203] query server 75 5ed5bd75 [90009203] query server 76 4f9476cb [90009218] query server 77 c6cce49a [90009218] query server 78 526605a6 [90009234] query server 79 c0632d83 [90009265] received infoResponse [90009281] connect 146a8a4b [90009296] received infoResponse [90009328] received infoResponse [90009375] received infoResponse [90009390] getaddrinfow: DESKTOP-LKCC3UK and a paper urn [90009390] wls: DESKTOP-LKCC3UK [90009406] closesocket 0x2cb8 [90009406] received infoResponse [90009437] received infoResponse [90009468] connect 6dbf8c33 [90009500] received infoResponse [90009531] received infoResponse [90009546] connect 1a86337f [90009562] received infoResponse [90009593] received infoResponse [90009625] received infoResponse [90009656] connect c49363c0 [90009656] received infoResponse [90009671] received infoResponse [90009687] received infoResponse [90009703] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [90009734] received infoResponse [90009750] received infoResponse [90009750] closesocket 0x2d50 [90010156] getaddrinfow: and a paper urn [90010187] connect 0700a8c0 [90010328] received infoResponse [90010343] connect c3126a51 [90010359] received infoResponse [90010390] received infoResponse [90010468] connect 1a86337f [90010531] received infoResponse [90010562] received infoResponse [90010578] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/achievements.asmx/GetPlayerAchievements [90010578] received infoResponse [90010593] received infoResponse [90010671] connect 0c2dbd6b [90010671] received infoResponse [90010671] closesocket 0x2d64 [90010703] received infoResponse [90010734] received infoResponse [90010750] received infoResponse [90010765] received infoResponse [90010812] connect 124ca1b8 [90010828] received infoResponse [90010875] received infoResponse [90010921] connect 1a86337f [90011062] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [90011156] closesocket 0x2d64 [90011718] received infoResponse [90011718] received infoResponse [90011734] received infoResponse [90011734] received infoResponse [90011750] received infoResponse [90011765] received infoResponse [90011765] closesocket 0x2cb8 [90011765] getaddrinfow: wpad and a paper urn [90011781] query server 80 4d440ae7 [90011781] query server 81 3f8df782 [90011781] wls: wpad [90011781] query server 82 45c5bfbc [90011781] query server 83 5ed63528 [90011796] query server 84 a4842d82 [90011796] query server 85 94fb4655 [90011812] query server 86 4dae9568 [90011812] query server 87 36ce7d48 [90011812] query server 88 51ecfeb9 [90011828] query server 89 97502cdf [90011828] query server 90 4e9e8ef1 [90011843] query server 91 c196d157 [90011843] query server 92 b95695d4 [90011843] query server 93 76f1a21c [90011859] query server 94 62d512bc [90011859] query server 95 51139df5 [90011859] query server 96 a4842d82 [90011859] query server 97 d9170354 [90011875] query server 98 c6cce49a [90011875] query server 99 47b6e3fe [90011890] query server 100 b2558ab5 [90011890] query server 101 450eeb22 [90011890] query server 102 25bb61d1 [90011906] query server 103 adf27d93 [90011906] query server 104 5e17fc91 [90011906] query server 105 7d3f3e1d [90011921] query server 106 cfd20d83 [90011921] query server 107 c6cce49a [90011921] query server 108 4346220d [90011937] query server 109 54c86923 [90011937] query server 110 5e21fb3 [90011937] query server 111 c063058a [90011953] query server 112 4a802064 [90011953] query server 113 9e457b2b [90011953] query server 114 a484c85c [90011968] query server 115 ad1e9609 [90011968] query server 116 4ca4ea12 [90011968] query server 117 add0d394 [90011984] query server 118 573bc86d [90011984] query server 119 5ef71bc3 [90011984] received infoResponse [90012000] received infoResponse [90012000] connect bcbfc545 [90012015] query server 120 2d23409e [90012015] query server 121 33afca1d [90012031] query server 122 2e697873 [90012046] query server 123 c0c65a83 [90012046] query server 124 9e3aadb6 [90012062] query server 125 d0424f22 [90012062] query server 126 c16f8c47 [90012062] query server 127 bbb4b2e5 [90012078] query server 128 ac6aca0c [90012078] query server 129 b323cc5c [90012078] query server 130 6cab53c5 [90012093] query server 131 6cab53c5 [90012093] query server 132 6cab53c5 [90012093] query server 133 6cab53c5 [90012109] query server 134 6cab53c5 [90012109] query server 135 4e81a514 [90012125] query server 136 a484c993 [90012140] connect 1a86337f [90012156] received infoResponse [90012171] connect 822d84a4 [90012187] received infoResponse [90012218] received infoResponse [90012234] received infoResponse [90012234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/CountAll [90012250] received infoResponse [90012265] received infoResponse [90012312] received infoResponse [90012312] closesocket 0x2d94 [90012343] received infoResponse [90012375] received infoResponse [90012390] received infoResponse [90012406] connect 1a86337f [90012406] received infoResponse [90012421] received infoResponse [90012437] connect 822d84a4 [90012453] received infoResponse [90012500] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [90012562] closesocket 0x2d8c [90012656] connect 1a86337f [90012750] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetBlocked [90012796] closesocket 0x2d9c [90013062] binder on 6672 is 0x2d84 [90013078] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90013078] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90013093] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90013093] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90013093] Triggering LoadGameFirstLaunch() [90013109] [mapmanager] [90013125] [freeroam] [90013187] [baseevents] [90013187] [chat] [90013203] [hardcap] [90013218] [rconlog] [90013250] received infoResponse [90013250] [scoreboard] [90013265] connect 830dd2cf [90013281] received infoResponse [90013500] connect 1a86337f [90013515] connect 1a86337f [90013515] connect 1a86337f [90013515] connect 1a86337f [90013562] connect 1a86337f [90013562] connect 1a86337f [90013625] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [90013640] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Inbox.asmx/GetUnreadMessages [90013656] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/matchmaking.asmx/UnadvertiseAll [90013656] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Clans.asmx/GetMine [90013687] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [90013718] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetRelayServers [90013734] closesocket 0x2e7c [90013750] closesocket 0x2e88 [90013750] closesocket 0x2e90 [90013781] closesocket 0x2e80 [90013781] closesocket 0x2e8c [90013828] connect 1a86337f [90013843] connect 1a86337f [90013843] connect 1a86337f [90013843] connect 1a86337f [90013937] connect 1a86337f [90013953] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1681076661/secure/gta5/RosGamersSettings.json [90013968] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/store/pt/commerceData.xml [90013984] connect 1a86337f [90013984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlementBlock [90014000] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Clans.asmx/GetInvites [90014031] closesocket 0x2ed8 [90014046] closesocket 0x2d44 [90014046] closesocket 0x2eb0 [90014078] closesocket 0x2da4 [90014093] connect 1a86337f [90014093] connect 1a86337f [90014109] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Inbox.asmx/GetMessages [90014109] connect 1a86337f [90014140] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [90014187] closesocket 0x2ee4 [90014203] closesocket 0x2d60 [90014234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0xb47cc3ea.json [90014234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/global/SC/events/eventschedule-game-pt.json [90014265] connect 1a86337f [90014265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/news/news.json [90014328] closesocket 0x2da4 [90014343] closesocket 0x22b0 [90014343] closesocket 0x2d54 [90014375] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/store/commerceData.xml [90014390] closesocket 0x2db4 [90014406] received infoResponse [90014406] done decrypting ros bits [90014453] connect 57d196c1 [90014484] received infoResponse [90014500] connect f59d1351 [90014531] received infoResponse [90014531] received infoResponse [90014546] connect 0d224643 [90014546] received infoResponse [90014562] received infoResponse [90014828] done decrypting ros bits [90014843] connect 1a86337f [90014937] closesocket 0x2ee4 [90014953] received infoResponse [90014968] received infoResponse [90014968] connect 1a86337f [90014984] received infoResponse [90015000] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [90015015] connect 1ca2f176 [90015015] received infoResponse [90015031] connect 12eaa44c [90015046] received infoResponse [90015046] queue event onClientResourceStart [90015078] received infoResponse [90015218] closesocket 0x2cf4 [90015234] WinHttpSendRequest on failed - error code 12002 [90015250] WinHttpSendRequest on failed - error code 12002 [90015281] F:\Five Reborn Client\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 System.Core.dll is a platform image. [90015390] F:\Five Reborn Client\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 MsgPack.dll is not a platform image (even though the dir matches). [90015406] F:\Five Reborn Client\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 CitizenFX.Core.dll is a platform image. [90015437] received infoResponse [90015437] received infoResponse [90015453] received infoResponse [90015546] connect 835ac6c0 [90015562] received infoResponse [90015562] received infoResponse [90015578] received infoResponse [90015593] received infoResponse [90015609] received infoResponse [90015625] received infoResponse [90015625] received infoResponse [90015640] received infoResponse [90015640] received infoResponse [90015671] queue event onClientResourceStart [90015671] received infoResponse [90015687] received infoResponse [90015718] queue event onClientResourceStart [90015718] received infoResponse [90015750] connect 14a5814e [90015765] queue event onClientResourceStart [90015765] received infoResponse [90015796] queue event onClientResourceStart [90015843] queue event onClientResourceStart [90015906] queue event onClientResourceStart [90015953] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions [90015953] Loading default meta overrides (total: 0) [90015968] Done loading default meta overrides! [90015968] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (31 total) [90015968] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 31) [90015984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 31) [90015984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 31) [90016000] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 31) [90016046] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking INSTANCESTORE INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 31) [90016046] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 31) [90016062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMapTypesStore INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 31) [90016062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 31) [90016062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPatrolRoutes INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 31) [90016078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 31) [90016078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 31) [90016093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 31) [90016093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 31) [90016093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 31) [90016109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 31) [90016109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 31) [90016109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 31) [90016125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 31) [90016125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTVPlaylistManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 31) [90016140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientModelSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 31) [90016156] connectOK, our id 1, host id 65535 [90016187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLadderMetadataManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 31) [90016187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 31) [90016234] queue event onPlayerJoining [90016234] closesocket 0x2f0c [90016265] WinHttpReceiveResponse on failed - error code 12152 [90016265] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CConditionalAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 31) [90016328] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleMetadataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 31) [90016406] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRandomEventManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 31) [90016421] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCrimeInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 31) [90016421] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWitnessInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 31) [90016421] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortal INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 31) [90016437] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking LightEntityMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 31) [90016437] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AnimBlackboard INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (30 out of 31) [90016453] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitBeforeMapLoaded INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (31 out of 31) [90016453] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions! [90016843] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/FILTERS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016843] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_AMB@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016859] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_ARREST.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016859] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_AVOIDS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016875] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_BUSTED.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016875] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_CELLPHONE@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016875] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_CLOTHING.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016890] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_COMBAT@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016890] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_COVER@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016906] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_CREATURES@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016906] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_DAM_.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016906] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_DAM_AD.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016921] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_DEAD.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016921] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_DOORS@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016921] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_EXPLOSIONS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016937] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_FACIALS@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016937] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_FRIENDS@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016953] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_GESTURES@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016953] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_GET_UP@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016953] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_GUARD_REACTIONS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016968] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_LADDERS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016968] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_MELEE@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016968] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_MINI@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016984] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_MISS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90016984] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_MOVE_.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017000] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_MP_.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017000] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_Map_Objects.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017000] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_NM.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017015] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_NM@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017015] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_ODDJOBS@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017015] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_PICKUP_OBJECT.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017031] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_RAGDOLL@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017031] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_RANDOM@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017031] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_RCM.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017046] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_RE@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017046] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_REACTION@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017046] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_RESPAWN@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017062] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SAFE@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017062] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SAVE.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017062] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SHAKE_CAM_.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017078] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SKYDIVE@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017078] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SPECIAL_PED@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017078] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_STUNGUN@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017093] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SWAT.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017093] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SWIMMING@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017093] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_SWITCH@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017093] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_TAXI_HAIL.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017109] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_TIMETABLE@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017109] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_VEH@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017109] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_WEAPON@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017125] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_WEAPONS@.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017125] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/INGAME/CLIP_ped.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017125] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/NETWORKDEFS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017140] enabling PLATFORM:/ANIM/POSEMATCHERS.RPF (previous state: 0) [90017140] enabling citizen:/streaming_surrogate.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017140] enabling platform:/ANIM/EXPRESSIONS.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017140] enabling platform:/anim/clipmax.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017156] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_ah_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017156] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_ah_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017156] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_ah_3a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017171] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_ah_3b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017171] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_armenian_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017171] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_armenian_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017187] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_armenian_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017187] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_bs_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017187] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_bs_2a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017187] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_bs_2b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017203] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_bss_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017203] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_car_steal_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017203] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_car_steal_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017218] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_car_steal_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017218] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_car_steal_4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017218] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_car_steal_5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017234] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_chinese_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017234] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_chinese_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017234] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_choice.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017234] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_drf.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017250] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_exile_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017250] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_exile_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017250] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_exile_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017265] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_family_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017265] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_family_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017265] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_family_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017265] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_family_4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017281] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_family_5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017281] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_family_6.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017281] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_fbi_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017296] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_fbi_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017296] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_fbi_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017296] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_fbi_4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017296] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_fbi_5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017312] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_fin_c_ext.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017312] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_finale_1a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017312] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_finale_1c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017328] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_finale_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017328] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_finale_c2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017328] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_finale_ext.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017343] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_franklin_0.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017343] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_franklin_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017343] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_franklin_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017343] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_jewellery_heist_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017359] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_jewellery_heist_2_arrest_fail.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017359] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_jewellery_heist_2_finale.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017359] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_jewellery_heist_2a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017375] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_jewellery_heist_2b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017375] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_josh_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017375] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_josh_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017375] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_josh_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017390] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_josh_4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017390] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_lamar_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017390] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_lester_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017406] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_lsdh_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017406] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_lsdh_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017406] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_lsdhs.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017421] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_martin_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017421] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_michael_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017421] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_michael_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017421] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_michael_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017437] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_mp.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017437] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_oddjobs.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017437] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_prologue.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017453] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_rampages.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017453] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_random_peds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017453] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_rural_bank_heist_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017453] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_rural_bank_heist_setup.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017468] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_solomon_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017468] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_solomon_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017468] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_solomon_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017484] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_solomon_5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017484] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_trevor_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017484] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_trevor_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017500] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_trevor_5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017500] enabling platform:/anim/cutscene/cuts_trevor_drive.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017500] enabling platform:/data/cdimages/carrec.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017500] enabling platform:/data/cdimages/moviesubs.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017515] enabling platform:/data/effects/ptfx.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/citye_xr.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_00.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_22.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_23.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_24.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_25.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_26.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_RD1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_TC.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_TC_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/DT1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/FWY_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/FWY_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/FWY_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/FWY_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/WOCCL_city.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/downtown.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/downtown_01_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/dt1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/downtown_01/dt1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hollywood.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hollywood_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_22.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_23.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_24.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_25.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_26.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_27.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_28.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_29.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_blimp.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_int_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/hollywood_01/hw1_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_00.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90017984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_23.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_24.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_25.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_26.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_27.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_28.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_29.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_30.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_31.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_32.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_33.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_34.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_35.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/id1_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/indust_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_01/indust_01_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_00.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_00_a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21_a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21_b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21_c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21_d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21_e.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21_f.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_21_g.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_rail.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/id2_rdb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/indust_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/indust_02/indust_02_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_sh1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/po1_sh2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/port.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_01/port_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/port_xr.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_00b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_00c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_00d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_00e.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_00f.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_00g.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_22.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_23.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_24.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_25.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_27.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_28.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_29.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_30.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_31.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_32.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_33.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_34.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/sc1_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/scentral.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/scentral_01/scentral_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/bt1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/bt1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/bt1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/bt1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/bt1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_06b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/ss1_rd1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/sunset.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/sunset_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_citye/sunset/sunset_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/airport.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/airport_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_01_a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_01_b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_01_c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_01_d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/airport_01/ap1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/beverly.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/beverly_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_22.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_29.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_30.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_31.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_32.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_33.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_34.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_35.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_36.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_37.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_38.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_39.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_40.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_42.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_42b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_43.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_44.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_45.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_46.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_46b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_47.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_48.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_49.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_49b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/beverly_01/bh1_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/koreatown.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/koreatown_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_00.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90018984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/koreatown_01/kt1_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/marina_xr.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sanpedro.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sanpedro_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/sanpedro_01/sp1_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/santamon.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/santamon_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_22.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_23.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_24.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_25.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_26.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_27.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_boat.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/santamon_01/sm_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_17.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_18.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_22.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_23.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_24.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_25.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_26.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_27.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_28.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_29.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_30.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_31.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_32.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_33.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_34.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_35.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_35b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_36.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_38.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_39.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_43.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_44.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_ca.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_rv.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/venice.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/venice_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_01_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_02_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_03_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_04_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_04b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_05b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_06b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_06c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_06d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_06e.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_06f.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_09b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_11_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_12_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_far_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_roads.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_roadsb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_roadsc.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/ch1_roadsd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/cityhills_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_01/cityhills_01_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_01b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_01c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_02b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_03b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_03c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_03d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_05b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_05c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_05d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_05e.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_05f.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_07b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_07c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_07d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_08b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_09b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_09c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_11b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_12b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_Lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_Lod2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_Lod3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_Lod4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_roads.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_roadsa.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/ch2_roadsb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/cityhills_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_02/cityhills_02_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_03_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_04_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_13_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_14_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_14b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_14b_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_railway.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_railwyb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_railwyc.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_rd1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_rd1a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_rd1b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_rd2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/ch3_rd2b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/cityhills_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cityhills_03/cityhills_03_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/country_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/country_01_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90019984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_07_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_08_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_09_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_11b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_14b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_15b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_15c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_far_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_lod2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_lod3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_railway.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_railwyb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_roads.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_roadsA.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_01/cs1_roads_pb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/country_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/country_02_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_06b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_06c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_08_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_09_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_09b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_10_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_11_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_29.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_30.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_30_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_lod2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_railway.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_railwyb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_railwyc.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_roads.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_roadsa.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_02/cs2_roadsb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/country_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/country_03_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_01_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_06_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_08b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_08c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_08d.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_08e.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_08f.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_08g.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_03/cs3_railway.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/country_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/country_04_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_07.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_12.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_14.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_railway.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_railwayb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_roads.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_04/cs4_roadsb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/country_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/country_05_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_1_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_2_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_3_sea.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_05/cs5_roads.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/country_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/country_06_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_08.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_08a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_09.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_instance_placement.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_lod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_roads.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_roadsb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/country_06/cs6_roadsc.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_hills/cs_xref.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_01.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_02.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_03.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_04.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_05.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_06.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_occl.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/plg_rd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/_prologue/prologueint.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/cloudhats/v_clouds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_apartmentblock.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_farmhouse.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_gasstation.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_methtrailer.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_protree.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_scaffolding.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_setpiece2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_shipsink.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_stilthouse.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_tankercrash.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_tankerexplosion.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_trailerparka.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_trailerparkb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_trailerparkc.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_trailerparkd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_trailerparke.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/exterior/des_traincrash.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_fib_ceiling.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_fib_door.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_fib_floor.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_fib_glass.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_fibstairs.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_finale_tunnel.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_finale_vault.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_frenchdoors.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_hospitaldoors.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_jewel_cab.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_jewel_cab2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_jewel_cab3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_jewel_cab4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_prologue_door.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_server.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_showroom.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_tvsmash.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/destruction/interior/des_vaultdoor.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/generic/cutsobjects.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/generic/gtxd.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/generic/icons.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/generic/procobj.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_club.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_corporate.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_industrial.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_lev_des.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_light_rig.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_medical.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_residential.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_retail.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/int_props/int_services.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_10.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_11.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_13.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_15.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_16.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_19.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_20.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_21.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_22.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_23.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020968] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_24.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_25.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_26.rpf (previous state: 0) [90020984] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_27.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_28.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_29.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021000] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_31.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021015] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_31a.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_31b.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_32.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021031] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_33.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_34.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_35.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_36.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021046] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_37.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_38.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_39.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021062] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_40.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_41.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021078] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_44.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_45.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_46.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_47.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021093] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_48.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_49.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021109] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_50.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_51.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_52.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021125] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_53.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_54.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_55.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021140] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_56.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_57.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_58.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_59.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021156] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_60.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_61.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_62.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021171] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_63.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_64.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_65.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021187] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_66.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_68.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_7.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021203] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_71.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_72.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_73.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_74.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021218] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_8.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_9.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_join1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021234] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_join2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_join3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_subway1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_subway2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021250] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_subway3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_subway4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_subway5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021265] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90021265] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_metro_subway6.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_int_mugshot.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_metro.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021281] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_metro_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_metro_sections.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_tunnels.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/interiors/v_tunnels_metadata.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021296] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/lodlights.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/minimap.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes0.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021312] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021328] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes4.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes5.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021343] connect 1a86337f [90021343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes6.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes7.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021343] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes8.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/navmeshes9.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/outsource/building_xrefs.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021359] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/paths.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/Lev_Des/Lev_Des.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/Lev_Des/P_V_Lev_Des_Skin.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021375] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/Lev_Des/V_Lev_Doors.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/Lev_Des/V_Set_Pieces.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/Lev_Des/v_minigame.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/building/v_rooftop.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021390] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/commercial/v_bar.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/commercial/v_fastfood.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/commercial/v_garage.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021406] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/commercial/v_office.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/industrial/v_airport.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/industrial/v_industrial.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/industrial/v_industrial_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021421] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/procedural/v_proc1.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/procedural/v_proc2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/procedural/v_proc3.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021437] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/prop_testbed.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/recreational/v_coin_op.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/recreational/v_sports.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/residential/v_bathroom.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021453] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/residential/v_electrical.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/residential/v_garden.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/residential/v_kitchen.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021468] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/residential/v_seating.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_bins.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_construction.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021484] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_fences.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021484] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [90021500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_fences_2.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_rubbish.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021500] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_seating_tables.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_signs.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_storage.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021515] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_traffic_lights.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/roadside/v_utility.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/rt_bink/vfx_reference.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/rural/v_farm.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021531] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_bush.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_cacti.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_crops.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021546] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_ext_veg.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_fanpalm.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_palm.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021562] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_potted.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_rocks.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021578] closesocket 0x628 [90021578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_snow.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021578] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/props/vegetation/v_trees.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/script/script_rel.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/akuma_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/asea_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021593] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/bagger_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/baller_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/banshee_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021609] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/bjxl_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/blista_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/bodhi2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021625] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/buccaneer_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/buffalo2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/buffalo_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021640] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/carbonizzare_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/cavalcade_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/cheetah_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/comet2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021656] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/coquette_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/daemon_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/dominator_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021671] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/double_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/dubsta2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/dubsta_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021687] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/elegy2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/entityxf_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/felon_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021703] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/feltzer2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/fusilade_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/futo_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/gresley_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021718] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/hotknife_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/infernus_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/intruder_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021734] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/issi2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/jackal_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/khamelion_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/landstalker_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021750] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/manana_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/ninef2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/ninef_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021765] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/oracle2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/pcj_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/penumbra_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021781] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/peyote_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/phoenix_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/police3_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/prairie_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021796] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/premier_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/primo_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/rapidgt2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021812] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/rapidgt_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/ratloader_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/rebel_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021828] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/ruffian_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/ruiner_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/sabregt_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/sandking2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021843] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/sandking_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/schafter2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/schwarzer_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021859] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/sentinel2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/sentinel_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/serrano_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021875] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/speedo2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/sultan_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/surano_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/surge_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021890] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/tailgater_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/tornado_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/vacca_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021906] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/vigero_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/voltic_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/wheels_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021921] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/youga_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/zion2_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/zion_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehiclemods/ztype_mods.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021937] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/vehicles.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021953] enabling platform:/levels/gta5/waypointrec.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021953] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_a_c.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021953] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_a_f_m.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021968] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_a_f_o.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021968] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_a_f_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021968] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_a_m_m.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021984] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_a_m_o.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021984] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_a_m_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021984] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_comp_peds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90021984] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_csb.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022000] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_g_f_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022000] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_g_m_m.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022000] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_g_m_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022015] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_ig.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022015] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_mp.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022015] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_s_f_m.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022031] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_s_f_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022031] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_s_m_m.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022031] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_s_m_o.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022031] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_s_m_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022046] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_slod.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022046] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_u_f_m.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022046] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_u_f_o.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022062] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_u_f_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022062] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_u_m_m.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022062] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_u_m_o.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022078] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/componentpeds_u_m_y.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022078] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/ped_mp_overlay_txds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022078] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/ped_mugshot_txds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022078] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/ped_sp_overlay_txds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022093] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/ped_tattoo_txds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022093] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/pedprops.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022093] enabling platform:/models/cdimages/weapons.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022109] enabling platform:/textures/script_txds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022109] enabling platform:/textures/waterfog_txds.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022109] enabling platform:/textures/waterfog_txds_dx.rpf (previous state: 0) [90022125] instrumented function 0x140895dd0 (51) took 23418msec [90022125] connect 1a86337f [90022125] instrumented function 0x1414752c4 (0) took 6msec [90022125] closesocket 0x2d94 [90022140] instrumented function 0x1408c8f78 (1) took 0msec [90022171] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlements [90022453] instrumented function 0x140cf86f8 (2) took 315msec [90022468] instrumented function 0x140006700 (3) took 0msec [90022468] instrumented function 0x1408b95bc (4) took 0msec [90022468] instrumented function 0x1408a17b0 (52) took 0msec [90022484] instrumented function 0x1414752c4 (53) took 1msec [90022515] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/ReplaceAttributes [90022984] connect 1a86337f [90023000] closesocket 0x2d8c [90023062] instrumented function 0x14088e9a8 (54) took 568msec [90023062] instrumented function 0x1414752c4 (55) took 1msec [90023062] instrumented function 0x14078d480 (56) took 0msec [90023109] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [90023656] closesocket 0x2f64 [90023968] init pseudopack F:/Five Reborn Client/citizen/streaming_surrogate.rpf [90024093] closesocket 0x2ee4 [90025109] connect 1a86337f [90025640] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [90026156] closesocket 0x2ee4 [90027812] connect 1a86337f [90028343] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/SetAttributes [90028875] closesocket 0x2f34 [90032328] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032359] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032406] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032515] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032562] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032625] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032671] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032687] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90032812] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90033125] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90033171] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90033375] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90034187] level hash match - was custom: 0 [90034625] instrumented function 0x14078af00 (57) took 11556msec [90034640] instrumented function 0x140006700 (5) took 1msec [90034640] instrumented function 0x140cf8694 (6) took 1msec [90034656] instrumented function 0x1408c73ac (7) took 3msec [90034656] instrumented function 0x1401b23ec (8) took 7msec [90034671] instrumented function 0x14079529c (9) took 1msec [90034671] instrumented function 0x1408b7618 (10) took 4msec [90034718] instrumented function 0x1408b7fd4 (11) took 39msec [90034734] instrumented function 0x1408b8314 (12) took 1msec [90034734] instrumented function 0x1408b930c (13) took 1msec [90034750] instrumented function 0x1408b9350 (14) took 0msec [90034750] instrumented function 0x1408b939c (15) took 1msec [90034765] instrumented function 0x1408b9e3c (16) took 1msec [90034765] instrumented function 0x1408b9df8 (17) took 1msec [90034765] instrumented function 0x1408b75d4 (18) took 2msec [90034781] instrumented function 0x1408b883c (19) took 3msec [90034781] instrumented function 0x1408b7e14 (20) took 0msec [90034796] instrumented function 0x1408b8880 (21) took 1msec [90034828] instrumented function 0x1408b7e9c (22) took 20msec [90034828] instrumented function 0x1408b88c4 (23) took 1msec [90035171] instrumented function 0x1408b8134 (24) took 324msec [90035171] instrumented function 0x1408b9440 (25) took 0msec [90035187] instrumented function 0x1408cca6c (26) took 2msec [90035187] instrumented function 0x1414af288 (27) took 0msec [90035187] instrumented function 0x1408ba018 (28) took 0msec [90035203] instrumented function 0x1408ba04c (29) took 0msec [90035234] instrumented function 0x140bcf064 (30) took 21msec [90035265] instrumented function 0x1408b93e0 (31) took 27msec [90035265] instrumented function 0x1408b9f18 (32) took 1msec [90035500] instrumented function 0x1408b9ec4 (33) took 208msec [90035500] instrumented function 0x140510374 (34) took 1msec [90035500] instrumented function 0x140006700 (35) took 0msec [90040953] connect 1a86337f [90041031] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/GetAttributes [90041078] closesocket 0x2f50 [90042656] instrumented function 0x1408971d8 (36) took 7140msec [90042656] instrumented function 0x140006700 (37) took 0msec [90042750] instrumented function 0x140d53378 (38) took 79msec [90042750] instrumented function 0x1408b8358 (39) took 1msec [90042765] instrumented function 0x1414a0618 (58) took 0msec [90042765] instrumented function 0x141660554 (59) took 0msec [90042781] instrumented function 0x141179d68 (60) took 1msec [90042781] instrumented function 0x14078f918 (61) took 0msec [90042796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (62) took 0msec [90042796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042812] instrumented function 0x1408b8768 (66) took 0msec [90042812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042812] instrumented function 0x1408b8768 (66) took 0msec [90042828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042843] instrumented function 0x14077dec0 (69) took 1msec [90042843] instrumented function 0x1414a0618 (58) took 0msec [90042859] instrumented function 0x141660554 (59) took 0msec [90042859] instrumented function 0x141179d68 (60) took 0msec [90042875] instrumented function 0x14078f918 (61) took 0msec [90042890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (62) took 14msec [90042906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90042906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90042921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90042937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90042953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90042968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90042984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90042984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90043015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90043234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90043265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043359] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90043546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90043921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90043937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90043937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90044078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90044125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90044453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90044625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90044828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90044984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90044984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90045203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045359] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90045578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90045796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90045968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90045984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90045984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90046343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046359] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90046734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90046890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90046953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90046968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90046968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90047109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047234] instrumented 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[90047484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90047625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90047640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90047859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90047968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90047968] instrumented 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[90048218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048343] instrumented 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(68) took 0msec [90048484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90048968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90048984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90048984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90049125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90049343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049359] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90049421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90049718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90049812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90049843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90049843] instrumented 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[90050093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90050468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050593] instrumented 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[90050843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90050968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90050968] instrumented 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[90053578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053703] instrumented 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[90053968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90053984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90053984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054093] instrumented 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[90054343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054359] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054468] instrumented 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[90054718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90054828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90054843] instrumented 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[90055093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90055203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055218] instrumented 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[90055468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055593] instrumented 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(67) took 0msec [90055718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90055984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90055984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90056218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056343] instrumented 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[90056609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90056843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90056843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90056984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90056984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057109] instrumented 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[90057359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90057468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057500] instrumented 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[90057750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90057859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90057875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90057875] instrumented 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[90058140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90058203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058265] instrumented 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[90058531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90058578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90058765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90058906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058921] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90058984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90058984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90059281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90059359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059359] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90059437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90059656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059671] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90059906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90059906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90060031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 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[90060421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060421] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060437] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060453] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90060468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060468] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060484] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060500] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060515] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060531] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 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[90060796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060812] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060828] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060843] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060859] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060875] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060890] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060906] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90060906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90060921] instrumented 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[90061171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061203] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061296] instrumented 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[90061546] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061562] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061578] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061593] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061609] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061625] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061640] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061656] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061671] instrumented 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[90061921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90061984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90061984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90062031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90062046] instrumented 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[90062296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062359] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062375] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062390] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062406] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062421] instrumented 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[90062671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062687] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062703] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062718] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062734] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062750] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062765] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062781] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062796] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062796] instrumented 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(68) took 0msec [90062937] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062953] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062968] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90062984] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90062984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063000] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063015] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063031] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063046] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063062] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063078] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063093] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063109] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063125] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063140] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063156] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063171] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063187] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063218] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063234] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063250] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063265] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063281] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063296] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063312] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 1msec [90063312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063328] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063343] instrumented function 0x1408b94b8 (67) took 0msec [90063343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063359] instrumented function 0x14077dec0 (69) took 1msec [90063375] instrumented function 0x1414a0618 (58) took 0msec [90063375] instrumented function 0x141660554 (59) took 0msec [90063390] instrumented function 0x141179d68 (60) took 0msec [90063390] instrumented function 0x14078f918 (61) took 0msec [90063406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (62) took 1msec [90063406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90063984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90063984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90064078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064359] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064406] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064484] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064515] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064546] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064562] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064640] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064656] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90064718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90064765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064796] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064812] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90064984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90064984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90065015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90065031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065359] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065406] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065484] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065515] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065546] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065562] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065578] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065593] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065609] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065625] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065640] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065656] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065796] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065812] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90065984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90065984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90066265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066359] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066406] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90066468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066484] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066515] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066562] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066578] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066578] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066593] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066609] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066625] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066640] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066656] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90066796] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066812] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90066953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90066984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90066984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067359] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067406] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067484] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067515] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067546] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067562] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067578] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067593] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067609] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067625] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067640] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067656] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067796] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067812] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90067890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90067984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90067984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90068000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068359] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068406] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068531] instrumented function 0x14077dec0 (69) took 1msec [90068546] instrumented function 0x1414a0618 (58) took 0msec [90068546] instrumented function 0x141660554 (59) took 0msec [90068562] instrumented function 0x141179d68 (60) took 0msec [90068562] instrumented function 0x14078f918 (61) took 0msec [90068578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (62) took 1msec [90068578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90068859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90068984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90068984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069359] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069406] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069484] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069500] closesocket 0x2c28 [90069500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069515] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069546] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90069562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069562] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069578] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069593] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069609] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90069625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069625] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069640] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069656] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069796] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069812] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90069984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90069984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070312] instrumented function 0x14077dec0 (69) took 1msec [90070312] instrumented function 0x1414a0618 (58) took 0msec [90070328] instrumented function 0x141660554 (59) took 0msec [90070328] instrumented function 0x141179d68 (60) took 0msec [90070343] instrumented function 0x14078f918 (61) took 0msec [90070343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (62) took 1msec [90070359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90070593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070609] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070609] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070625] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070640] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070656] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070796] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070812] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90070953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90070984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90070984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071359] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90071375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071484] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071515] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 1msec [90071531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071546] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071562] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071578] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071593] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 1msec [90071609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071671] instrumented function 0x14077dec0 (69) took 1msec [90071687] instrumented function 0x1414a0618 (58) took 0msec [90071687] instrumented function 0x141660554 (59) took 0msec [90071703] instrumented function 0x141179d68 (60) took 0msec [90071703] instrumented function 0x14078f918 (61) took 0msec [90071718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (62) took 1msec [90071718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071968] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90071984] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90071984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072000] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072015] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072031] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072031] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072046] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072046] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072062] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072062] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072078] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072078] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072093] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072093] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072109] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072109] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072125] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072125] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072140] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072140] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072156] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072156] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072171] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072171] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072187] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072187] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072203] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072203] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072218] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072218] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072234] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072234] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072250] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072250] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072265] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072265] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072281] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072281] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072296] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072296] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072312] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072312] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072328] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072328] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072343] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072343] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072359] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072375] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072375] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072390] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072390] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072406] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072406] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072421] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072421] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072437] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072437] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072453] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072453] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072468] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072468] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072484] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072500] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072500] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072515] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072515] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072531] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072531] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072546] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072546] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072562] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072562] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072578] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072578] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072593] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072593] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072609] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072609] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072625] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072625] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072640] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072640] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072656] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072656] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072671] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072671] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072687] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072687] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072703] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072703] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072718] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072718] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072734] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072734] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072750] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072750] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072765] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072765] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072781] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072781] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072796] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072812] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072812] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072828] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072828] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072843] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072843] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072859] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072859] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072875] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072875] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072890] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072890] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072906] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072906] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072921] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072921] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072937] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072937] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072953] instrumented function 0x1408b667c (63) took 0msec [90072953] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072968] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90072984] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90073000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90073000] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90073015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90073015] instrumented function 0x1407914b8 (68) took 0msec [90073031] instrumented function 0x14077dec0 (69) took 0msec [90073031] instrumented function 0x140006700 (40) took 0msec [90073046] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90073093] connect 1a86337f [90073171] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [90073234] closesocket 0x195c [90076203] instrumented function 0x140897154 (41) took 3156msec [90076203] instrumented function 0x140006700 (42) took 0msec [90076218] instrumented function 0x1408d20e0 (43) took 1msec [90076218] instrumented function 0x14088e410 (44) took 1msec [90076296] instrumented function 0x1408bc608 (45) took 57msec [90076296] instrumented function 0x1408c5394 (46) took 3msec [90076312] instrumented function 0x14078d480 (47) took 0msec [90076312] instrumented function 0x1405e3fac (48) took 2msec [90076328] instrumented function 0x1408b7e58 (49) took 3msec [90076343] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions [90076359] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (29 total) [90076359] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 29) [90076375] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 29) [90076375] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CEventDataManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 29) [90076406] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 29) [90076406] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 29) [90076421] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 29) [90076421] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 29) [90076515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 29) [90076531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 29) [90076531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 29) [90076546] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 29) [90076546] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 29) [90076562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 29) [90076562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 29) [90076578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 29) [90076718] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 29) [90076734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 29) [90076765] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldHeightMap INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 29) [90076765] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldWaterHeight INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 29) [90076781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAnimationManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 29) [90076781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAudioManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 29) [90076796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 29) [90076796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 29) [90078125] coll2 open amb@lo_res_idles@.ycd [90078281] coll2 open veh@lo_res_idles.ycd [90079203] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 29) [90080796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 29) [90080812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 29) [90080812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CThePopMultiplierAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 29) [90080828] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 29) [90081140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProceduralInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 29) [90081234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (2 total) [90081234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 2) [90081515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 2) [90081562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions! [90081562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_SESSION init functions [90081562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (5 total) [90081578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 5) [90081578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreaming INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 5) [90081593] init pseudopack F:/Five Reborn Client/citizen/streaming_surrogate.rpf [90081593] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFocusEntityMgr INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 5) [90081609] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 5) [90083140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 5) [90083156] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (84 total) [90083156] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xb051c59e INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 84) [90083156] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x5fc7af0d INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 84) [90083171] init pseudopack citizen:/streaming_surrogate.rpf [90084093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 84) [90084109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioPointManagerInitSession INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 84) [90084109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderPhaseCascadeShadowsInterface INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 84) [90084125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 84) [90084125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 84) [90084125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 84) [90084140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 84) [90084140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskRecover INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 84) [90084171] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 84) [90084218] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAssistedMovementRouteStore INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 84) [90084234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBuses INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 84) [90084234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 84) [90084234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControlMgr INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 84) [90084250] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 84) [90084250] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 84) [90084265] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 84) [90084265] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_SESSION init (19 out of 84) [90084281] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CJunctions INIT_SESSION init (20 out of 84) [90084281] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathZoneManager INIT_SESSION init (21 out of 84) [90084296] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMessages INIT_SESSION init (22 out of 84) [90084296] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_SESSION init (23 out of 84) [90084312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_SESSION init (24 out of 84) [90084312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathFind INIT_SESSION init (25 out of 84) [90084328] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_SESSION init (26 out of 84) [90084546] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_SESSION init (27 out of 84) [90084625] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedPopulation INIT_SESSION init (28 out of 84) [90084625] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPerformance INIT_SESSION init (29 out of 84) [90084640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (30 out of 84) [90084640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (31 out of 84) [90084656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_SESSION init (32 out of 84) [90084656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_SESSION init (33 out of 84) [90084656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_SESSION init (34 out of 84) [90084671] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupManager INIT_SESSION init (35 out of 84) [90084671] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_SESSION init (36 out of 84) [90084687] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_SESSION init (37 out of 84) [90084687] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProcObjectMan INIT_SESSION init (38 out of 84) [90084703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xcaf18c95 INIT_SESSION init (39 out of 84) [90084703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRestart INIT_SESSION init (40 out of 84) [90084703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScaleformMgr INIT_SESSION init (41 out of 84) [90084718] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSlownessZonesManager INIT_SESSION init (42 out of 84) [90084750] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_SESSION init (43 out of 84) [90084781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_SESSION init (44 out of 84) [90084781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CActionManager INIT_SESSION init (45 out of 84) [90084843] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderTargetMgr INIT_SESSION init (46 out of 84) [90084843] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_SESSION init (47 out of 84) [90084875] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90084906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_SESSION init (48 out of 84) [90084906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptCars INIT_SESSION init (49 out of 84) [90084921] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPeds INIT_SESSION init (50 out of 84) [90084921] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptEntities INIT_SESSION init (51 out of 84) [90084937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_SESSION init (52 out of 84) [90084937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_SESSION init (53 out of 84) [90084953] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_SESSION init (54 out of 84) [90084953] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_SESSION init (55 out of 84) [90084968] connect 1a86337f [90084968] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_SESSION init (56 out of 84) [90085000] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CUserDisplay INIT_SESSION init (57 out of 84) [90085015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_SESSION init (58 out of 84) [90085015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_SESSION init (59 out of 84) [90085046] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/legal/version/version_num.xml [90085078] closesocket 0x2c28 [90085640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDispatchData INIT_SESSION init (60 out of 84) [90085656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRoadBlock INIT_SESSION init (61 out of 84) [90085656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWeaponManager INIT_SESSION init (62 out of 84) [90085937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr INIT_SESSION init (63 out of 84) [90085937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleCombatAvoidanceArea INIT_SESSION init (64 out of 84) [90085953] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatInfoMgr INIT_SESSION init (65 out of 84) [90085953] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatDirector INIT_SESSION init (66 out of 84) [90085968] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (67 out of 84) [90085968] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBoatChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (68 out of 84) [90085984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTacticalAnalysis INIT_SESSION init (69 out of 84) [90085984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCoverFinder INIT_SESSION init (70 out of 84) [90085984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWorldPoints INIT_SESSION init (71 out of 84) [90086000] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwTimer INIT_SESSION init (72 out of 84) [90086000] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_SESSION init (73 out of 84) [90086015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_SESSION init (74 out of 84) [90086015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInitLevel INIT_SESSION init (75 out of 84) [90086015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameSituation INIT_SESSION init (76 out of 84) [90086031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetRequestManager INIT_SESSION init (77 out of 84) [90086031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (78 out of 84) [90086046] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSituationalClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (79 out of 84) [90086046] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClipDictionaryStoreInterface INIT_SESSION init (80 out of 84) [90086046] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRiots INIT_SESSION init (81 out of 84) [90086062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCover INIT_SESSION init (82 out of 84) [90086062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4468c2ce INIT_SESSION init (83 out of 84) [90086078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_SESSION init (84 out of 84) [90086078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (17 total) [90086078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CText INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 17) [90086093] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 17) [90086312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 17) [90086781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 17) [90086781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xb8568feb INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 17) [90086796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExplosionManager INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 17) [90086796] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupDataManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 17) [90086812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreaming INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 17) [90086812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDecoratorInterface INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 17) [90086828] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 17) [90086828] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGestureManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 17) [90086843] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTexLod INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 17) [90086843] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitSession INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 17) [90086843] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 17) [90086859] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xc2471be7 INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 17) [90086875] somefunc found dlcMPBeach:/! [90086875] LoadDefDats: dlcMPBeachCRC:/content.xml [90086984] somefunc found dlc_mpChristmas:/! [90086984] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpChristmasCRC:/content.xml [90087000] somefunc found dlcMPValentines:/! [90087015] LoadDefDats: dlcMPValentinesCRC:/content.xml [90087218] somefunc found dlcMPBusiness:/! [90087218] LoadDefDats: dlcMPBusinessCRC:/content.xml [90087468] somefunc found dlc_mpBusiness2:/! [90087468] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/content.xml [90087656] somefunc found dlcMPHipster:/! [90087656] LoadDefDats: dlcMPHipsterCRC:/content.xml [90087796] somefunc found dlc_mpIndependence:/! [90087796] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/content.xml [90087984] somefunc found dlcMPPilot:/! [90088000] LoadDefDats: dlcMPPilotCRC:/content.xml [90088109] somefunc found dlcMPLTS:/! [90088109] LoadDefDats: dlcMPLTSCRC:/content.xml [90088406] somefunc found dlc_mpChristmas2:/! [90088406] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/content.xml [90088531] somefunc found dlcMPHeist:/! [90088546] LoadDefDats: dlcMPHeistCRC:/content.xml [90088953] coll2 open anim@veh@lo_res_idles.ycd [90089359] somefunc found dlc_mpLuxe:/! [90089359] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/content.xml [90089562] somefunc found dlc_mpLuxe2:/! [90089578] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/content.xml [90089734] somefunc found dlc_mpReplay:/! [90089750] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpReplayCRC:/content.xml [90089765] somefunc found dlc_mpLowrider:/! [90089781] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/content.xml [90090437] somefunc found dlcMPHalloween:/! [90090453] LoadDefDats: dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/content.xml [90090531] somefunc found dlc_mpApartment:/! [90090546] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/content.xml [90090984] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90091031] connect 1a86337f [90091062] somefunc found dlc_mpxmas_604490:/! [90091062] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/content.xml [90091187] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [90091218] somefunc found dlc_mpJanuary2016:/! [90091218] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/content.xml [90091296] closesocket 0x628 [90091453] somefunc found dlc_mpValentines2:/! [90091468] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/content.xml [90091562] somefunc found dlc_mpLowrider2:/! [90091578] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/content.xml [90091937] closesocket 0x2ee8 [90092015] somefunc found dlc_mpExecutive:/! [90092015] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/content.xml [90092484] somefunc found dlc_mpStunt:/! [90092484] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpStuntCRC:/content.xml [90092718] somefunc found dlc_mpBiker:/! [90092718] dlc mounted: citizen:/dlc/dlc_mpBikerCRC/ [90092718] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpBikerCRC:/content.xml [90093437] somefunc found dlcSPUpgrade:/! [90093437] LoadDefDats: dlcSPUpgradeCRC:/content.xml [90095281] CfxCollection[dlc.rpf]::AllocateHandle got passed a failed handle for dlc_mpLowrider:/x64/data/cacheLoaderData_DLC/mpLowrider_1924616720_cache_y.dat [90096171] CfxCollection[dlc.rpf]::AllocateHandle got passed a failed handle for dlc_mpLowrider:/x64/data/cacheLoaderData_DLC/mpLowrider_1289734211_cache_y.dat [90101578] CfxCollection[dlc.rpf]::AllocateHandle got passed a failed handle for dlc_mpLowrider:/x64/data/cacheLoaderData_DLC/mpLowrider_847561697_cache_y.dat [90102640] CfxCollection[dlc.rpf]::AllocateHandle got passed a failed handle for dlc_mpLowrider:/x64/data/cacheLoaderData_DLC/mpLowrider_484579484_cache_y.dat [90103953] CfxCollection[dlc.rpf]::AllocateHandle got passed a failed handle for dlc_mpExecutive:/x64/data/cacheLoaderData_DLC/mpExecutive_2038425240_cache_y.dat [90104484] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x2527583e INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 17) [90104484] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x01b8b001 INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 17) [90104500] Loading mounted data files (total: 0) [90104500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_SESSION init functions! [90105078] Triggering OnGameFinalizeLoad [90105281] wrap session key [90105281] connect 1a86337f [90105312] connect 1a86337f [90105312] connect 1a86337f [90105343] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [90105375] closesocket 0x303c [90105390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/CashTransactions.asmx/GetPackValueUSDE [90105406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlements [90105406] closesocket 0x3044 [90105546] closesocket 0x2e34 [90105578] connect 1a86337f [90105593] connect 1a86337f [90105625] connect 1a86337f [90105640] connect 1a86337f [90105671] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/legal/version/version_num.xml [90105671] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/matchmaking.asmx/Advertise [90105687] closesocket 0x3040 [90105718] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1681076661/secure/gta5/bgscripts/bg_ng.rpf [90105718] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1681076661/GTA5/dog/appsc.json [90105734] closesocket 0x303c [90105750] closesocket 0x304c [90105859] closesocket 0x2e34 [90105937] connect 1a86337f [90105984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/matchmaking.asmx/Update [90106140] connect 1a86337f [90106156] connect 1a86337f [90106156] closesocket 0x2e34 [90106203] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_505_2.rpf [90106218] closesocket 0x2090 [90106234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1681076661/GTA5/car/gamesc.json [90106250] closesocket 0x3048 [90106250] connect 1a86337f [90106296] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_505_2.rpf [90106312] closesocket 0x304c [90106421] connect 1a86337f [90106484] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_505_2.rpf [90106500] closesocket 0x3098 [90106593] connect 1a86337f [90106640] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_505_2.rpf [90106671] connect 1a86337f [90106734] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1681076661/GTA5/car/appsc.json [90106734] closesocket 0x3088 [90106937] queue event rlUpdateNames [90110343] connect 1a86337f [90110406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/SetAttributes [90110437] closesocket 0x306c [90117203] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90117234] closesocket 0x2d28 [90117250] closesocket 0x2cc8 [90117265] closesocket 0x2cf8 [90117265] closesocket 0x2d48 [90117265] closesocket 0x2cc4 [90117281] closesocket 0x2cb4 [90117281] closesocket 0x2cbc [90117296] closesocket 0x2da4 [90117296] closesocket 0x2ef4 [90117296] closesocket 0x2d90 [90117312] closesocket 0x2d70 [90117328] closesocket 0x2d4c [90117328] closesocket 0x2d14 [90117343] closesocket 0x2d68 [90117343] closesocket 0x2c2c [90117359] closesocket 0x2d10 [90117375] closesocket 0x2d7c [90117375] closesocket 0x2d2c [90117375] closesocket 0x2da8 [90117390] closesocket 0x2c34 [90117390] closesocket 0x2d64 [90117406] closesocket 0x2cd8 [90117406] closesocket 0x2cd4 [90117421] closesocket 0x2eb0 [90117437] closesocket 0x2d18 [90117437] closesocket 0x2d6c [90117921] queue event chatMessage [90120390] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90120812] queue event chatMessage [90120828] queue event chatMessage [90120828] queue event AwesomeFreeze [90120828] queue event AwesomeInvisible [90120828] queue event AwesomeGod [90120843] queue event teleportSpawning [90120843] queue event clientPlayerData [90120843] queue event createTimer [90120843] queue event clientPaid [90133234] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90133265] connect 1a86337f [90133328] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [90133359] closesocket 0x2d70 [90140890] connect 1a86337f [90140953] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [90141000] closesocket 0x2eb0 [90167250] connect 1a86337f [90167312] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [90167343] closesocket 0x2cbc [90216015] queue event clientPlayerData [90216015] queue event paid [90231890] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90231953] connect 1a86337f [90232062] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [90232171] closesocket 0x628 [90244281] connect 1a86337f [90244390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [90244500] closesocket 0x6d4 [90285312] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90285328] connect 1a86337f [90285390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [90285421] closesocket 0x2d4c [90292046] connect 1a86337f [90292125] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [90292171] closesocket 0x3078 [90297218] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90297234] connect 1a86337f [90297281] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [90297328] closesocket 0x2d48 [90307921] closesocket 0x69c [90312890] connect 1a86337f [90312937] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [90312953] closesocket 0x2cc8 [90336046] queue event clientPlayerData [90336046] queue event paid [90354687] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90354750] connect 1a86337f [90354937] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [90355031] closesocket 0x628 [90380734] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90380765] connect 1a86337f [90380828] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [90380859] closesocket 0x2d4c [90383578] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90386125] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90386750] queue event chatMessage [90388406] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90388453] queue event chatMessage [90388453] queue event chatMessage [90388453] queue event chatMessage [90388468] queue event chatMessage [90388468] queue event chatMessage [90394203] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90394265] queue event chatMessage [90394265] queue event chatMessage [90394265] queue event chatMessage [90400515] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90400593] queue event setArmour [90400593] queue event chatMessage [90400593] queue event deducted [90400609] queue event clientPlayerData [90408312] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90408390] queue event createCarAtPlayerPos [90408390] queue event chatMessage [90408390] queue event deducted [90408390] queue event clientPlayerData [90410906] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90412781] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90413875] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90414296] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90417046] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90417078] queue event chatMessage [90418687] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90418718] connect 1a86337f [90418781] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [90418812] closesocket 0x2ef4 [90419968] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90420515] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90422421] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90422484] queue event chatMessage [90425921] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90426015] queue event chatMessage [90430078] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90430109] queue event chatMessage [90433343] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90434734] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90434828] queue event chatMessage [90440359] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90440421] queue event chatMessage [90442093] error during NUI callback chatResult: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:243: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) [90448328] getaddrinfow: prod.ros.rockstargames.com and a paper urn [90448375] connect 1a86337f [90448437] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/matchmaking.asmx/UnadvertiseAll [90448468] closesocket 0x2d28 [90448593] connect 1a86337f [90448625] connect 1a86337f [90448625] connect 1a86337f [90448656] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/matchmaking.asmx/Unadvertise [90448687] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/SaveMigration.asmx/GetSourcePlatforms [90448703] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/SignOut [90448703] closesocket 0x2d60 [90448734] closesocket 0x2e88 [90448796] closesocket 0x217c [90448796] RgscStub::m_02 [90449718] closesocket 0x2cac [90449734] closesocket 0x2d84 [90449734] closesocket 0x2ef4 [90450281] process exited with 0! [90452875] closesocket 0x5e4