[WIP] Drift smoke [v1.5]

How do i install this

Hello can you please change your script 70 keybind is left mouse not right control

Hello good, the first thanks for the script, very currado the truth. But I would like to make smoke always come out, because when you turn the wheel, smoke stops coming out, thanks in advance!

is this server sided

can you do like ace permissions ?

Can I change where the smokes appears relative to the cars coordinates?
Can I change the needed angle where the smoke appears?

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Is this client sided?

Sorry to bother, but I can’t quite install it. Could someone explain to me in which files should I copy these files in ? For info im hosting my own server and so I have a ressource pack with a folder named [tiresmoke] that I ensure in the server.cfg. I would guess that __ressource.lua goes in the [tiresmoke] folder, but where does dsmoke.lua goes ?

how do i download it

when you slide around in dirt the smoke still appears