Whitelist Use of Emergency Vehicles

yep still no luck.

(20 chars)

Cant get it to work?

Remove the copnotification on the server

TriggerClientEvent("setjob", source, 'nocop')
		TriggerClientEvent('notCopNotification', source) -- REMOVE THIS

You dont see the group setted print in the console, when you join the server?

I cant test it right now, just tomorow, but i think everything is fine, dont forget the __resource.lua

Try another thing:
if job ~= 'cop'

See if you dont mistake the stemid, it should be working, tomorow i wil test it

Remove the license, use just the steamid

I’ve figured it out, now I just need to set it so, it only happens if they are in the driver seat. Because it kicks them out of the back seat.

I’m using this but it lets them enter any seat.

  while true do
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	if job ~= 'cop' then
      if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped) then
        local car = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)
		if IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police3",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sheriff",_r))  or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sheriff2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("polmav",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("policeb",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar1",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar3",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar6",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar7",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar8",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar9",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar10",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("chiron",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("aventador",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("fbi",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("fbi2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc1",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc3",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc5",_r)) then
         if ( GetPedInVehicleSeat( GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped, false ), -1 ) then
		  SetVehicleUndriveable(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped), true)
		  Vehpos= GetEntityCoords(car,  true)
		      local xnew = Vehpos.x+2
              local ynew = Vehpos.y+2
		  SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), xnew, ynew, Vehpos.z)
		  drawNotification("~r~Only registered police officers, may drive this vehicle")

What was the problem with the job?
So try:

if ( GetPedInVehicleSeat(car, -1 ) then

The native is right i think

Yeah still refuses. It lets the person enter the driver’s seat and all other seats.

  while true do
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
    if job ~= 'cop' then
      if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped) then
        local car = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)
        if IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police3",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("police4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sheriff",_r))  or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sheriff2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("polmav",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("policeb",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar1",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar3",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar6",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar7",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar8",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar9",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("hwaycar10",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("chiron",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("aventador",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("fbi",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("fbi2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc1",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc2",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc3",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc4",_r)) or IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("sfbc5",_r)) then
        if ( GetPedInVehicleSeat(car, -1 ) then  
		  SetVehicleUndriveable(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped), true)
          Vehpos= GetEntityCoords(car,  true)
              local xnew = Vehpos.x+2
              local ynew = Vehpos.y+2
          SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), xnew, ynew, Vehpos.z)
          drawNotification("~r~Only registered police officers, may drive this vehicle")

if GetPedInVehicleSeat(car, -1 ) == ped then

Nope this is odd, for some reason that native disabled the rest of the script.

If you tried to use that, then I can see why it’s not working.
You added 1 ( too many.

if GetPedInVehicleSeat(car, -1) == PlayerPedId() then

That should work, not sure about the rest of your code though.

Everything else works, just it is causing it when the player is in any seat and I have been trying to set it as just the drivers seat.

yes i noticed this now

This should work mate…

I think this is right, cause this works in another scripts.

local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
if (GetPedInVehicleSeat(car, -1) == ped) then

sorry to jump in on this but I am also trying to set this up

I am using vRP so it looks slightly different but it is still not working, did you manage to slove this in the end?

This is what I have:

  while true do
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source})
    if vRP.hasGroup({user_id,"mechanic"}) then
      if IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped) then
        local car = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)
        if IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("flatbed3",_r)) then
        if (GetPedInVehicleSeat(car, -1) == ped) then
          SetVehicleUndriveable(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped), true)
          drawNotification("~r~You must be a Mechanic to drive this vehicle")

The error I get is:
Error resuming coroutine: client.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)

I wasnt getting errors, but it wasnt working, it did at first, but once i updated the server master files for some reason it stopped, but i found a different one im using

1 Like

Does anyone have a working way of restricting emergency vehicle access in ESX?

Hey guys. so i have everything working except i am trying to make it check player names, not skins or jobs. But i have been working on it for 8 hours none stop and cant get it. does anyone know how to do that? please please.

@Cheleber Can you please make a “_resource.lua” and “client.lua” and can it be just that just police,ambulance can get in to the emergency vehicles? And if it’s not too much trouble could a civ get a message “Do you want to go to jail?” when he tries to enter a police vehicle?

SQL jobs:

Using ESX

Thank you but I really don’t have any xp with coding/programming :frowning: