[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]

In survival.lua you will find it

how do i edit the script so i can make it to where cops can revive/heal?

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you will have to go in groups.lua and it to police

Hello, are you able to make photo files to be a cop?

And Taxi, Anbulance, President please

this is english forum :wink:

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Im not a coding expert, so it would be darn near impossible to figure that out lol… I wish the dragging feature was added to the cops too…

I want to create a database table that logs when someone joins the server, disconnects from the server, get kicked, etc. Are there any examples of something like this anywhere?

Why did EMS get removed in the newest update?

i have that issue too

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that just a database error

give them the permissions to as “emergency”

Anyone having an issue of money in hand being gone when someone relogs?

Hi Psychorustle, please tell me you are still cooking a way to smoke weed ? :slight_smile:

How sure are you to give permission as emergency? Because I feel like i have tried everything…

depends if you have ems in your game still or not?

i can see EMS in the code, but the hospital blips are gone, so IDK honestly. Whatever happened in this last update really messed up my outlook for vRP

look for the emergency permissions in groups.lua in cfg

how do i enable people to use their phone when downed? I am also able to see it in groups.lua, but it doesn’t work when i set someone to emergency? Aren’t we supposed to have like abilities in your menu when set to a group? Kinda like how police have the abilities to cuff and what not? Also is there a way where i can have the downed players to be able to use their phone and call the ambulance? I can’t seem to find the spot where the phone is accessible when down.

I was able to add someone to the group EMS but for some reason they don’t have the ability to heal/revive or any of that

How to make custom input fines? Thanks