[vRP Framework]-[Psycho Edited - FX 3.5]-[23/07/17]


How to whitelist in cops / ems and admin please ?


How do i add a cop??

Guys! How can I plant the seed? I have got seed from the harvest but I don’t know how can I get it to weed.

Hi, can you pass me the money laundering?

how to add job miner

ENG Enter the session infinitely
PT-BR Fica entrando na sessĂŁo infinitamente

How to fix error whitelist “unknown client”?

How can i allow client sided scripts?

i keep falling through the map?

Where are we able to change the Bank Robbery money amount?

Hei. I’ve got a problem with the regeneration in some jobbs like drug dealer. For exempel if i go to laboratory and i m trying to make drugs it s empty. I’ve restarted the server but same problem…any ideas?

You have to go to the laboratory and make weed. But it s better if u are making them home. Home you will get 5 weed from 1 seed and in laboratory only 3. Good Luck

Not sure why but alot of people in our server have experienced the problem including myself where the money is removed at random joins. Although the Database for ID 1 says that I have x amount of money while 0 in game.


how do I put progressbar.js in one place on the screen for all resolutions?
like this

I am using vrp and was trying to make a basic script to make it so you have to be set as the correct job to use a particular vehicle but I could not get my head around the tunnelling etc so I took a different approach to it and decided to add this to the bottom of vrp_garages\client.lua

  while true do
    local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1) 
    local car = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)
    local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source})
    if vRP.hasGroup(user_id, "EMS") or vRP.hasGroup(user_id, "citizen") and IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped) then
        if IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("flatbed3",_r)) then
           SetVehicleUndriveable(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped), true)
           vRP.notify({"You must be a Mechanic!"})  
        else if vRP.hasGroup(user_id, "mechanic") and IsPedInAnyVehicle(ped) then
                if IsVehicleModel(car, GetHashKey("flatbed3",_r)) then 
                SetVehicleUndriveable(GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped), false)    

It is half working in the sense that if a player gets in the flatbed3 then it makes it undriveable and it displays the message however, this occurs no matter what your job is set as.

Any help of any sort to get this working will be very much appreciated

Anyone can tell me why the vRP.tryFullPayment not works here?
(it’s a server script)

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(s, n, m)
    local message = string.lower(m)
    local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source})
    --vRPclient.notify(user_id, {user_id})
    local price = 800
    if message == "/rastrear" then
        if vRP.tryFullPayment({user_id},price) then 
            vRPclient.notify(user_id, "Dinheiro insuficiente")

I already put this in the start of .lua

local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel")
local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy")

vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP")
vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRP_vehicle-control")

And this on resource:

resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'

dependencies {

client_script 'client.lua'

I have tried multiple times over the last month to make a script that only allows you to use a certain vehicle if you have the correct group (e.g. only Police are allowed to drive police cars and only EMS are allowed to drive EMS vehicles) but it just won’t work no matter how I try. Does anyone have this running on their server and mind sharing how they made this?


I am looking for a taxatation script
anyone who knows about something that works?

can u do this with couchdb?

Hi. I’ve activated these two parameters but a player on my server can play without Steam authentication. How is it possible?