[vRP] [ESX] AntiCheat for FiveM

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:warning: WARNING

This resource is official by @HackerGeo

My personal custom scripts that i’ve made / used for my vRP based server.
I’ve recently released them on my personal Github and i had people reposting them somewhere else under their name so.

:warning: Do not try to copy these resources

:page_with_curl: Installation

  • Start the resource in server.cfg
  • Add in server.cfg so: add_ace resource.hg_anticheat command.sets allow
    Add premission to vrp/cfg/groups.lua so anticheat.settings
  • Delete Cache (of course if you want)
  • Restart the server

:cloud: DOWNLOAD ESX: GitHub (thank you @schwim)

:cloud: DOWNLOAD vRP v1.7.6: GitHub


Moved to #development:releases

So why release this if it’s not compatible. Releases should work properly when released. Broken / Not working releases may be taken down. I’d suggest updating it to be ‘full compatible’.

Also add a description of what your resource is whether using text, screenshots, videos etc.




Does this work on esx?


Yes. You can test😇
Excuse my english​:muscle:t2::sweat_smile:

i am getting an error somthing about missing a vrp

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give me a photo?

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I think this isn’t made by you. Why you said it works on esx when you have a dependecy for vrp?

@caulin_games try to remove the dependecy for vrp. in _resource.lua


Add Function ban in DB.


Add this after GHMattiMySQL and before EasyAdmin in your Resource Start Order, then make sure that

set ea_custombanlist "true"

is set in your server config file.

Done! EasyAdmin-MySQL-GHMatti will handle the rest automatically, do note that your banlist will have to be converted manually.

new update is in coming

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Hi ! Can you update download link to version 1.5.0. Is still the old version on download. Thank you !

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hi bro! (https://github.com/HackerGeo-sp1ne/HG_AntiCheat)

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I have a question for you. Why this version will delete NPC’s ? Can be fixed?

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yes this version will delete npcs

It should probably be mentioned in the OP of the topic that this is for VRP servers only.

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Also, out of curiosity, does this even do anything?

if whitelisted == nil 

As far as I can see, there’s no whitelisting system in the resource.

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Please made this for esx

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Hello, how can I disable the NPC remove anticheat function? Could you explain me? I love it, but it’s deleting the NPCs I use on my server, and that’s bothering me …

I altered the loop to delete peds after it reaches a certain number. This will allow you to have protection from someone spawning 100’s while still being able to use them on your server. Setting the threshold to 50 works well without it looking like it’s deleting any during normal play.

	while true do
		if (AntiCheat == true)then
			thePeds = EnumeratePeds()
			PedStatus = 0
			for ped in thePeds do
				PedStatus = PedStatus + 1
				if PedStatus >= Config.pedThreshold then
					if not (IsPedAPlayer(ped))then
						RemoveAllPedWeapons(ped, true)
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