
Ok, everything work fine… but I use ESX
Now any job that has a menu on F5 like Mecano, Cops etc doesn’t even open… any fix ?

Is there a way to remove the Currently Talking when we use the voice chat ?

Yes, disable it in the voice chat options.

Not related to vMenu, vMenu does not touch F5

We only added Vmenu since last night and everything has been working fine before. None of our job has menu now :frowning:

vMenu has nothing to do with job scripts or any other menus. My guess is that who ever put it in screwed something up.

Issue is that if you set your menu or noclip to f6/f7, f5, f6 and f7 will be disabled, that’s just how gta works because those are special key binds. Same with left alt.

Good day, I my permissions are bugged out or something. I want players just to have:
Player Options
Vehicle Options
Vehicle Spawner
Saved Vehicles
Player Appearance

I edited my permissions and now players can’t spawn vehicles from menu, here is permissions:

Any reason why this menu would not work for one specific person? I have tried everything I can think of but my buddy cannot get the menu to work. Over 400 other people can use it fine daily on my server.

I got everything working except one thing. If a moderator is allowed, a admin isnt. So if i set for example add_ace group.moderator blah blah. Then admin cant do it. I tried add_ace group.moderator group.admin blah blah. But couldnt get it to work. I want moderators to kick, but then admins cant. Same for kill and any other moderator perms.
Any help is appreciated thanks.

That’s because you’re not giving players permission to spawn any vehicle…

# Vehicle Spawner
add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Menu" allow
add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.All" deny
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.DisableReplacePrevious" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SpawnByName" deny
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Addon" allow # allows you to spawn an addon car from the Addon Vehicles list.
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Compacts" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Sedans" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SUVs" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Coupes" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Muscle" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.SportsClassic" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Sports" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Super" deny
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Motorcycles" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.OffRoad" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Industrial" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Utility" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Vans" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Cycles" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Boats" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Helicopters" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Planes" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Service" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Emergency" deny
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Military" deny
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Commercial" allow
#add_ace builtin.everyone "vMenu.VehicleSpawner.Trains" deny

Also, if you read the docs, it would tell you that you shouldn’t use deny

Define “doesn’t work”, doesn’t it show up? do they just see the instructional buttons?
(these are instructional buttons: ) Does that player see nothing at all? Is it just the menu, or does noclip not work either? If the menu doesn’t show up, but the instructional buttons do, then ask the player what resolution they’re using to play, if they’re playing on windowed/borderless/fullscreen mode, also ask them to give their client log.

Also note this (update your server and use the example config below!):

i seem to have found a new issue i cannot solve… some cars cannot be customized through this menu, But can be through other menus, Any ideas?

Unlike other menus, vehicle mods are not hardcoded in this menu, only valid vehicle mods that are found for a vehicle will be listed.

If you can’t see a vehicle mod for some vehicles, probably addons/replacement vehicles, then the vehicle mods are not streamed correctly using the meta files.

Thanks for the help, got that working. One more question, as far as group inheritence goes. I made a pilots license group and gave it plane and heli access. Now how would i have admin and moderator inherit? Just add it before the group.moderator?
add_principal group.pilot group.admin group.moderator

Thanks :slight_smile:

add_principal <child> <parent>
There no 3 (or more) arguments there, so just add another line

add_principal group.admin group.moderator
add_principal group.admin group.pilot

Also, always put the child first, then the parent. So don’t do it like this: group.pilot group.admin because that would give the pilot group access to all admin stuff.

@Vespura is it possible to change the menu color? if so do you mind pointing me to what section it is controlled by? im guessing its in the vMenuclient.net file correct?

Not possible without breaking absolutely everything.

Ahh ok, explains why I could not find out myself, the only other question I have, is where does thr menu pull the names of cars? Some of them are listed as there spawn name. And some are not. Id like to change these if possible

Ex. Sheriff1 is listed as sheriff SUV, sheriff2 is listed as sheriff2,

Hi there vespura, is there a way to change defults, for instance, never wanted? I would like never wanted to default to off on login.


Search this topic for AddTextEntry and youll find the discussion about how to fix your car names.

Set it to whatever you want, then in Misc Settings menu click save preferences.

Will only save it for you though, not for others. As it’s user preference, there’s no way to change this globally for everyone.

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Addons I know how to change, I’m refering to vehicles I have added into categories

Edit* nvm I see what you are talking about… I’ll see if I can find out how to do that

Edit again* everyhting i see isi actually just pointing to “addon vehicle” category… im trying to change the names of vehicles i have added into categories such as “emergency”