
Changing my function name will probably fix it.

Great job as always!

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That looks like a bug caused by the shitty keyboard function i posted once, try replacing it with this:

function KeyboardInput(TextEntry, ExampleText, MaxStringLenght)
	AddTextEntry(GetCurrentResourceName() .. '_KeyboardHead', TextEntry)
	DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, GetCurrentResourceName() .. '_KeyboardHead', '', ExampleText, '', '', '', MaxStringLenght)

	while UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 1 and UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 do
	if UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() ~= 2 then
		local result = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()
		return result
		return nil

How would I add a user to a specific group, such as admin or moderator? There’s no 15-digit Steam ID, and I don’t know how to get the Steam license thing (which is 40 characters long). I’ve read the wiki over and over, along with looking here in the comments, but still don’t know how to add someone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Wait, @Flatracer did something shitty, impossible. :astonished:

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I did use your example as well, will change that in the next update :+1:t2:

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A suggestion, save weapons on next spawn and save skin? Maybe in misc settings?

Fantastic Resource! :ok_hand:

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@Goldenclaw112 Its really simple.

######## Add players to groups ########
# Admin group players:
add_principal identifier.steam:110000000000f00 group.admin #Username
add_principal identifier.steam:110000000000g00 group.admin #Username
add_principal identifier.steam:110000000000h00 group.admin #Username
# Moderator group players:
add_principal identifier.steam:110000000000j00 group.moderator #Username
add_principal identifier.steam:110000000000m00 group.moderator #Username
add_principal identifier.steam:110000000000l00 group.moderator #Username

To get the steam id.

You may use
to get the id as well.
Once you get the id, you can use this converter
This will convert the steam id 64 to hex id.
Make sure to put all letter that are capital to lowercase

fyi vehicles still getting deleted when other poeple spawn a vehicle with the replace previous vehicle option on.

Really not sure how to solve this.

fyi, @Goldenclaw112’s issue has been solved in discord :wink: thanks for the help though.


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any chance you can now spawn custom ped models :smiley:

@Vespura ahh np :smiley: well i’m glad this was resolved. Well i guess it can help other’s in need. hehe

Working on that and much more yeah.

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These are the changes coming up in the next update. Need to do more bug testing first though.


I hope to release this version either tomorrow (Monday) or on Tuesday.

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id like to request permission to edit this and remove some options like god mode and vehicle stuff for my RP server?

Why would you need to edit this to remove those features, when there’s already permissions support for it? Though, take a look at the copyright notice/license on the github page for more info.

I’ve just tested with 2 players, 1 addon car. Continues respawning for 1 minute straight on 1 client, then switching to the other client and doing the same thing for roughly one minute straight. Switched clients pretty much 4 times now and still out of all the cars I’ve spawned, not once has it deleted another vehicle.

I’ve tried being in the car, outside of the car, all possible combinations of player 1 being in/out and player 2 vice versa. Having “Spawn Inside” turned on/off, having “replace previous” turned on/off for one or both players.

I really feel like I’ve tested it all but I can’t seem to reproduce this bug…

I know this may sound stupid, but I have no clue how to setup my steam Id as a part of a class or whatever. So in short I have no clue how to make myself have all the permissions. Can you give me in elaborate detail how to organize the permissions, I’m new to hosting, I’m just doing a freeroam server