
Hmm, I’ll keep on digging, Appreciate it brother.

On ZAP slill v 2.1.0

They’ll update it soon whenever they have time. You can however manually update it. Follow the installation instructions like you would on a normal installation in that case on the docs.

Hey im having issues getting all my perms from 2.1 to transfer from 2,2. i tried updating them via server files and Zap hosting window. any reason why they might not be transferring over?

Not sure, it’s not much info you’re giving there.

Ah, thanks, better look closer next time thank you :slight_smile:

the menu version is loading in fine in game, but non of the permissions are

getting an issue atm.

[vMenu] [WARNING] An error occurred while checking for the latest version. This is not a problem, vMenu will still work correctly. Please check your version manually.
[vMenu] Error infor: Specified value has invalid HTTP Header characters.
Parameter name: name

Any idea whats going on or how to fix it? We checked and we have the latest version of vmenu, we even went as far as to remove vmenu and reinstall it.

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i found the issue with the perms. but i was wondering, is there a way a “summon all players” option could be added for admins and owners?

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Eh, sure, guess it go in misc settings then as there’s not really a suitable place to put this. Post it on the github issue that is pinned, called something like “feature suggestions”.

Ehm, maybe try deleting your uuid file inside the vMenu folder?

could be under player options and set admin as default to view it?

Found the issue, thanks for reporting it. It’s been fixed in the development branch.

Issue was caused because I had implemented some permissions/user config checks in the function that gets the saved weapons before restoring them, when this actually should’ve been implemented in functions that call the get function. Because if I needed to get the saved weapons (no matter if restore weapons is enabled or allowed, whenever I just need it) then it wouldn’t return anything because it did the permission/config option checks.

This was not easy to find because it only happened when you either:

  • have no permissions to access the weapon-restore options in the misc settings, or in the weapon loadouts menu.
  • had the restore weapons options disabled in both the weapon loadouts menu and the misc settings menu.
  • only happened on skin-change, not whenever the player spawned in the server for the first time.

Conditions like those are critical for finding such bug. I appreciate every attempt of ‘reporting a bug’, but please be specific.
Just saying “whenever changing skins, the inventory (later, after another comment which could’ve been prevented if enough info was provided in the first place, identified as weapons) gets cleared” is simply not enough. And it will take me even longer to try and figure out what the actual issue is instead of me putting time into solving the issue.

Please use the following template when reporting issues.

This template will automatically be provided for you whenever creating a bug report on the GitHub issues page.

But it’s not really specific to your current player (player options refers to ‘options to set for your current ped/player’).

Online players doesn’t seem right either since it has a list of players and options specific to certain players only, not one button to trigger them all.

It’ll have to go in misc settings, unless I make a completely separate menu for it, which is unlikely.

It’s apparently (possibly) related to this:

From what I’ve heard it’s a known issue and will hopefully be fixed.


@Vespura found the permission I was looking for - incase anyone else reports weapons disappearing they need to have add_ace builtin.everyone “vMenu.MiscSettings.RestoreWeapons” allow in their permissions :slight_smile: silly me.

That’s a temporary workaround, however it shouldn’t have to be like that. Restore weapons is meant for respawning after being dead, not when switching models. Switching models should always restore the weapons no matter the permissions or user settings. So that’s why it’s a bug, and not a case of ‘you didn’t add the permission in’. :wink:

To compound it, im still getting reports of people logging in and their weapons being gone…lol…its intermittent and doesnt really seem to have a pattern.

Strange, weapons restoring on join is a new feature btw, not fully tested. But since anytime I test stuff it always seems all my testers are unavailable, I couldn’t do proper testing. (not blaming anyone here btw, just never the right time it seems).

oh well, at least the menu is usable and it’s not like you’re “suddenly missing a feature” since it wasn’t implemented before. Also note that restore weapons on join, only works if you’ve selected a default loadout, not when you have Restore Weapons turned on in the misc settings menu. That’s a completely separate feature.

Please provide the full addons.json file, not just a single section.
Also, if you add anything after that last one, I hope you do add the , after the current last one?

ah, turns out you have multiple vehicles with the same exact spawn name, or at least added them multiple times in the list, because I get this error when trying to use your file:

System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.

will add a check for that, for now, fix your list and don’t add multiple entries using the same name.