
weird, are you using a custom resolution or aspect ratio?

let me check

no, 1920 x 1080 , full screen, 16:9

I dont think I even have one installed put could it be a graphics mod?

I doubt that. Really strange all this. I have no idea. Enable client debugging mode (in the __resource.lua), (re)start the server, join the server, try to (re)enable those features that don’t work and quit the game. Then send me the CitizenFX.log file.

whats the directory for the log file?

fivem application data\CitizenFX.log

I have 6 log files? is that even…normal

which one do I send?

the one called CitizenFX.log without any numbers suffixing it. Having multiple is normal, you probably end up with 10 of them at some point. They rotate each time you start FiveM.

CitizenFX.log (215.0 KB)

Looks all fine to me (at least related to vMenu, there are a lot of other scripts throwing errors or crashing in there but that’s not related to vMenu)

yeah I know we are actually going through and getting those fixed today. Any idea? suggestions?

No clue what the vMenu issue is. Should be working fine.

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I’m having issues with my “addons” my addons.json is in the “config” folder and it has data in it but the menu interface isn’t picking up any addons Capture

EDIT: I’m sorry I’m so stupid rookie codding mistake, missing the “,” on the addon “peds”

The vMenu keeps destroying all types of aircraft. every time I spawn in a plane/helicopter, it continuously destroys and repairs my engine and I cant take off.

Can you add the finger point script like the lambda menu in a future update?

The finger point “script” is a FiveM/GTA Online thing, the default key is “b”

Yeah I know, but its not stock wtih fivem, and all the available scripts dont work for me.

no vMenu does not do that at all. There’s not even an option in vMenu that can destroy or disable anything. Only pressing ‘toggle engine’ turns it on or off but it never destroys anything and it doesn’t “try to constantly do that” or something like that. It’s just a button that toggles the engine once.

Maybe, but there are already scripts out there that do this.

It’s only added by mods/scripts, it’s not something default in GTA V or FiveM.

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