
vMenu doesn’t read the permissions file. It simply asks the server if a player has a specific ace. Which is added by using the add_ace or add_principal command. So you can take any command you’d normally put in the permissions.cfg, and execute that in the server console and it’ll work. Just remember to add those commands to the permissions.cfg if you want them to stay. After that restart the resource.

What does it say?

It shows me the option and I press it on controller,and it just makes a noise.

Anone else on the server can spawn saved cars but myself Vespura, so im kinda puzzled on this one.

vMenu v1.3.0


  • (fixed) Spawning new vehicles now correctly re-sets the forward speed.
  • Removed a lot of unused stuff.
  • Created a new ConfigurationManager. All vMenu configuration options are now handled through a new file called config.ini which can be found inside the \config\ folder. Convars are no longer being used, from this version on!
  • Added ELS compatibility config option.
  • Added a new voice chat option, that will display a small icon in the bottom left corner, indicating whether your microphone is muted or if you’re talking to the server through voice chat.
  • Added a lot of new configuration options, please check the updated docs page for info on all the new config options, and how to use them in the new config file!
  • Added locations.json. This file is used for configuring pre-set locations to either teleport to or to add as a blip on the map. (permissions support included)
  • vMenu can now be used without having to set up permissions! Simply disable the permissions usage in the config section. Doing this will allow all options, except for actions like kick, ban, unban, kill, etc.

New permissions:

  • vMenu.Staff
  • vMenu.MiscSettings.LocationBlips
  • vMenu.MiscSettings.TeleportLocations


:warning: before updating please take the time to read the changes above. There are critical changes that require you to change the way you configure vMenu options completely. For more info check the docs configuration page (listed in the changes above).

Click here to download the latest version.


Remember to update NativeUI replacing all the Function.Call with API to take advantage of the latest C# optimizations

For some weird reason everything loads properly but when i press “M” nothing happens. Previous vMenu versions have worked fine. Any ideas?

vMenu 1.3.0 is unstable im gonna be reverting back to the 1.2

define ‘unstable’, if people don’t bother providing info of things that break, then there’s no point in even making updates…

Any errors in server or client console?

Hello, Someone will explain to me step by step how to upload Menu all the options on the server fivem in advance thanks

Already did exactly that. Info is on the docs.

the menu doesn’t even open anymore and im using the correct keybind 288 is for F1 it redirects to M and sometimes it doesn’t even open for M

Are you sure you’re setting things up correctly?

that makes no sense why it would only work/not work ‘sometimes’. And if you set it to 288 properly then it works just fine. Config system is going to change in the future anyway, this config.ini is just temporary until I can get the client side convars setup. However there are currently some other issues with the latest server builds which prevent me from restarting vMenu, making development nearly impossible if the server crashes as soon as i restart vMenu, forcing me to restart the server each time. So updates will have to wait until I can get this config system updated.

So why is it when there is a # in front of an option does it stay in the server? And why does when someone join the server they can get and ban people without being an admin? How do I fix.

ive set it to 288 properly https://gyazo.com/4e7e1a62423c07401525714ec7f7c189

my game is also flashing because of vSync but ive also set the command for it in the cfg to disable it for vMenu

Im trying to add this to my vRP Server and I followed all the instructions and the menu isn’t showing up. Can I get some assistance please?

Last time I checked, you can’t have vSync running in the server. Make sure you’re not starting the resource in the server.cfg. That’s what I did before I moved to economy based.

@Vespura It all of a sudden works now! Sorry for wasting your time but…can you only have 1 blip and teleport location in the “locations.json” I’ve tried adding multiple but none of them appear except from one.

That’s using the convars from before v1.3.0.
v1.3.0 (if you had actually read my update instructions) tell you to use the config.ini file instead. (which will be changed soon once some other issues explained earlier are fixed).

again, v1.3.0 users the config file, not convars.
Check the docs for new config instructions.

vSync works perfectly fine with vMenu, as long as you disable weather and time sync in vMenu.

There are many things that could be wrong preventing it from working, any errors in the server or client logs/consoles?

Should work just fine if you follow the instructions/example over at the docs.

I have uploaded the menu to the server works only the basic displays I sent you the privs to see and how it is turned on somehow strange screen flashes