
How Can I Use Addon Rims With vMenu??

If they’re installed correctly, it should automatically detect them.

Would They Be In Wheels Or Where Are They Located

Should be somewhere in vehicle mods, granted you installed the vehicle mods correctly. If they’re not there then they’re not installed correctly or I have no clue why it doesn’t work. Should all be automated via the citizenfx api set

Ok Thanks I Installed The Correctly

Hi! Can you help me? I have a resource time warning for vMenu (avg. 6ms) sometimes notification disappear but still i can’t figure out why it’s happened only for me :confused:

@FisielowskyIts Just FiveM Error Not The Resource

Huh? It’s not a FiveM error. Yes FiveM displays the warning, but it is caused by this resource. Problem is: lower pc specs or (often) laptops can show this warning a lot more often than higher end desktops. And I don’t know where the issue is located exactly so can’t improve performance much more than this atm.

I have a server on VPS (Debian 8) 2gb OVH and I don’t even think the error is because of my pc. I have a 70-80 fps on very high settings

what settings are you using? (turn on client debug mode in the __resource.lua file, then restart the server, join, use the misc settings > save preferences button and send me your CitizenFX.log file (inside your fivem client folder), just upload it to hastebin.com or whatever).

Hi team,
Quick question, my menu is off to the side of my screen (right side) and only about half of the menu shows, the rest seems to be cut off the screen. Would this have to do with my resolution or is it more of an obscure issue that I need to modify the code for?
Cheers guys, Grew

Edit… The boys on my server have noticed that the menu is also switching from the left side to the right side of the screen after each restart which, while it makes me laugh a lot, is a bit odd?

they’re probably changing resolutions or windowed display mode (fullscreen, windowed borderless and windowed bordered). Only fullscreen or windowed borderless are supported for the right-aligned menu to work atm, any windowed bordered or a very odd resolution will cause the menu to appear on the left side of the screen. this is because nativeui is retarded, and there’s no sane way to fix this rather than hard coding every resolution.

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A option to ‘adjust’ the UI position is most definitely a need for all! <3

That’s currently impossible to do without breaking the menu completely (certain parts would always be offset completely wrong).

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Anyhow, still a wonderful creation, all users will most definitely appreciate the release*. Cheers!

Hi @Vespura, this issue has been brought up once before but I’m not sure if you have find out more info on it but the Kick/Temp Ban/Ban functions sometime break and doesn’t work at all without restarting vMenu. From my personal experience, the most common cause is when multiple mod/admin trying to kick/ban the same person. Another report I got that causes this issue is when my server get up to the 300-400 player ID.

I have no idea what could possibly cause this, because it checks for permissions every time right before it bans/kicks. Are you absolutely sure your permissions are setup correctly? PM me your permissions.cfg and I’ll send you another test file to see if that makes a difference.

I’m pretty sure I’ve set it up correctly as it will work but when the above cases happens it sometime seem to be broken. You can click on the options and it’ll ask for the reason and the duration but then when you hit OK nothing happens to the player that is supposed to be kicked or banned. I’ll pm you my permission.cfg when I’m home from work.

wait, nothing is happening? it thought you mentioned that the issue was people with the “DontBan/KickMe” permissions were getting banned/kicked? Now I’m confused… :thinking: neither should ever happen, but the case of “nothing is happening” should be even more impossible than the other case.

Haha that is an issue but this is a separate issue with the Kick/Temp Ban/Ban functions. I don’t really care whether admin/moderator can still be kicked.

The issue is that sometime the Kick/Temp Ban/Ban features seems to be broken. As mentioned, moderators/admin can go to online players, click on whoever they’re trying to kick/ban, it’ll prompt for reason and duration (if temp ban). However, nothing happens to that player when it is submitted. They don’t get kicked or banned as intended. This issue is fixed if vMenu is restarted but will come back randomly.