VividRP | Serious Roleplay | Whitelisted Police/EMS/Fire - Apply on discord |


VividRP is a new roleplay server that I’ve have made, in my server we have many custom police, SWAT, unmarked, civilian, ems and fire vehicles that can be found in the discord. (find that below)


Gang Unit
K9 Patrol Unit
State Trooper
Police Department
Sheriff Department
Fire Department
Registered Pilot

At the moment we have some Whitelisted officers, we need more EMS/Fire, it is very easy to become whitelisted. - Go to the apply here tab in discord, copy the application text and fill in the information, after that is done send a PM to ’ Chad White ’ in the discord and he will look at it when he can. We are accepting suggestions for new vehicles, ranks, scripts etc. (also in the discord)

If you are interested in joining the server make sure to also join the discord, we have information in there that is needed, for example… If you do not have the Lambda menu we have it in our discord, we also have some other plugins that is needed and they can also be found in the discord, so make sure to join it.

If you want to join the server the name is gonna be this:
VividRP | Serious Roleplay | Whitelisted Police/EMS/Fire - Apply on discord |

You are all welcome to join and test it out, please either type in the discord or here in the comments on what we can improve on the server!

Thanks! -Chad/100K

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Code 5 stop with the State Troopers!

Vehicle flipped upsidedown in the snow, ems & fire there to help!

FBI Vehicle in a head-on accident on Senora RD, stringer there to catch it.

Recently added a ton of new CIVILIAN vehicles! They can be found in the discord.

Everything should be good to go ready for roleplay, we are just looking for more players atm! Make sure to tell your friends!

SWAT Ready!

Discord link is broken

Duplicate of [VividRP] Need police/EMS!