Vg_fishing - Modified Version of "Advanced fishing"

nothing works do not appear. there is no wheel

im working on a few changes, including fixing the negative money thing. just keep patient, thanks

Can anyone help me ? The script its self works, I have all the blips on the map, but when I’m going to this point on the map there is not green cycle and I can’t do nothing =.

Oke, i’ll wait for it, thanks!

I also had that problem, you’re using an old version of NativeUI.
I am using FrazzIe/ **[NativeUILua] search for him in google.

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I used Frazzle NativeUILUA, people can search for him in google.

i changed the link in the first post, thx

hey bro, what’s about this? how is going?

Shop fixed
You shouldnt be able to buy if you dont have enough money now.
thanks for reporting!

can you show what line you add… please

tbh im not sure how this works with github… but:
server.lua line 74: added the trigger for the function “BuyItem” and line 335 the function BuyItem itself, see on git…

just download the new file

i will test it tomorrow, thanks bruh!

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Work!!! Thanks

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:slight_smile: nice, thanks for testing it

Was curious if anyone else was having trouble with the actual shop not selling you the items.

can you show me how to stop folks from fishing off the pier or on the beaches. im trying to force my players to go out in the water.

i stopped working on this and cause i lost the files this thread can be closed/deleted.

We do not delete, it has been closed.