VexiaRP Server French

Server Name: VexiaRP
Website address:
Discord / Teamspeak address: (Under construction)
IP:Port of our server:

Lists of Features:

Purchase, Sale of Vehicles
+20 Jobs
Dirty money
Admin Assets
Purchase of property
Complete Vehicle Management (Gasoline, Damage, Lock)
Character customization
Waiter do for french by french. --[horrible translation, sorry!]–

Comming up:
Real life vehicles
New professions
A presidential election campaign
Some surprises … :smiley:
Fixes any bugs that are discovered

Screenshot :
We do not prefer to show our server, but rather let you come see it with your own eyes :smiley:

Thank you for your reading.
All citizens of Vexia welcome you to our city!

Sadly the forums are English only :confused:

moved to: #server-development:server-bazaar

ow ,
Sorry man .
Thank for your translation :smiley:

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