Vehicle shop part for job

Hello ! I want to allow people to buy taxi, towtruck,ect… But i want a reserved vehicle only if you are taxi or repairman

["Job"] = {
			title = "Job",
			name = "Véhicules de fonction",
			buttons = {
				if namejob == "taxi" then {
				{name = "taxi", costs = 9000, description = {}, model = "taxi"},
				{name = "Camion Dépanneur", costs = 9000, description = {}, model = "towtruck2"},
				{name = "Tondeuse", costs = 20, description = {}, model = "mower"},

Can you help me ?

Is this part of a released script that you’re modifying? If so go on their thread for help :wink:

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If you’re having an issue with an existing addon, please post in the original thread and not create a new one.

If this is a script you’ve written yourself, please provide more code so that we can properly help you.


Closed. I’ve just spotted the title. Please post in the original thread.

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