[US/UK] Real Life Roleplay+ | Serious Roleplay | HIRING COPS FIRE/EMS | ALPHA STAGE | CAD | Custom cars and scripts |

Welcome to Real Life Roleplay+ Server!


Who are we?

We are a group of experienced individuals who have a goal to bring the best roleplay experience we can offer! Our staff is friendly and ready to meet great people who want to have serious, but fun roleplay. We are currently building up our community that consist of amazing people to enjoy our server. Hope to see you on our server!

Server Details

We are a US/UK friendly server. Roleplay will be in Blaine County and will follow California laws. We are currently in an Alpha state on the server, with plans on becoming a life-server that includes roleplay to maximize the experience. We do have a working CAD system for our emergency responders. We also have custom cars for both civs and emergency services. Many things are still in development but we have enough scripts to have great roleplay.

What do we have?

Current we have a bunch of custom cars that we add in weekly. We also have a ton of custom scripts, adding more and more everyday to make the RP more enjoyable. We also have a police force with a lot of amazing people eager to meet and roleplay!

What are our plans?

Our plans for the server is for it to be like real life. You can pick from multiple jobs to earn money to buy cars and houses/apartments WITH GARAGES. There will be some jobs that are illegal to add to the roleplay experience. Every job pays including working for emergency services. At the time of this post, these are still a WIP but will be implemented as soon as they are ready.

Roles available

Listed below are the current departments hiring. You do have to be 16 years or older but exceptions can be made. You can apply through the discord link. We will respond to all application within 48 hours of the application being sent. (Some department heads are also available.)

Blaine County Sheriff Department (BCSD)
California Highway Patrol (CHP)
Dispatcher (Department head open)
Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) (Department head open)
Civilian Director (Ask admin for more info)

More Departments are in the works and will be added when they are ready.
You are more than welcome to come play as a civilian on our server!


We are currently looking second person to join our dev team. If you are interested, please join the discord and talk to a admin for more information.


Promo video:

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How do I see what your rates of pay are for each job?

Civ jobs are still a WIP. Prices are still being made.

Closed upon request of the author.