ULX/DarkRP spiritual successors?

I have been contemplating the concept of this for a while, a GTA V roleplay framework that is based off of Garry’s Mod DarkRP, and a ULX inspired admin interface. Has anyone been working on this? I think it would be amazing to have it so we can have the Lua structure like the “jobs.lua”, where you can set spawn perimeters (weapons, spawn position, health armor, playermodel (especially if it had the MP Freemode models, with different jobs giving you specific clothing), and even something as basic as a job decreption.


TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Police Officer", {
   color = Color(112, 0, 0, 255),
   model = {"models/player/ft_firstresponder.mdl", "models/player/ft_firstresponder_b.mdl"}, **//model they spawn as**
   description = [[]],
   weapons = {"fine_list", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_stungun", "cw_ber_cz75", "arrest_stick", "stunstick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_cuff_police", "door_ram"}**, // can easily be replaced by WEAPON_PISTOL, etc.**
   command = "/police", **//what you can type in chat to become this, for ease of access**
   max = 10,
   salary = 8500,  **//choose the specific pay for jobs**
   admin = 0,  **//whether or not it's admin only**
   vote = false,  **//whether or not it has an election process**
   hasLicense = true, **// gun license**
   -- CustomCheck
   medic = false,
   chief = false,
   mayor = true,
   hobo = false,
   cook = false,
   category = "Civil Protection",
   PlayerSpawn = function(ply,formatting) 
   if CLIENT then return end
   local skin = (math.random(0,12) == 0 and 0 or 1) 
   hasRadio = true, **// would also be amazing to have job radios, although, I see many issues with something like this in FiveM at the current moment**
   type = "police", **//this is line that tells another addon what abilities to give this job**

Picture of an F4 menu (job menu) example (for those unfamiliar w/ DarkRP

es_rp has the job.lua thing I suppose. Although it doesn’t have as much as that has it comes close. And es_admin2 has an admin GUI if you really want that. But just use what you like.

There’s the ‘vRP Framework’ which seems to have similar object-oriented definitions.

Yea, but they don’t really have a menu that makes you respawn one you become that job. I hope this all comes to a reality soon.

Any way instead of having to go to that building, if you can just open the job/role menu with a key bind? (like F4)

You could change the check inside of jobOffice.lua to be for a different control and also removing the distance checks.

Also, is it supposed to display the money on screen? I don’t see it, if so. Is there a way to check it?

Yes it displays in the top right like the usual money display in GTA.

Odd, I don’t see it. I’ll probably figure it out.(figured it out, I forgot to start “banking”, I have my special moments)

On a side note, do you plan on updating your LSPDFR clone?

That was a proof of concept that I’ll probably never continue.

The respawn on choosing job felt broken though on Gmod darkRP.
There should be no reason for a player to respawn just because they have chosen a job, its weird.

Much of Dark-RP was a compromise.

There are plenty of servers with job systems, and abilities to give weapons, abilities and certain skins.

Quite sure that was an option you could disable.

Maybe, I was never on the back end for any of it, just a player. But on so many servers, I kept having to respawn for everything, it was so annoying to be hired by the chief of PD, then magically teleported back to spawn.

That means the servers you joined didnt set the specific spawn points for the jobs. Main reason I like the system is because you can make police spawn in the PD, criminals spawn in hide outs, security spawn on their contracted property, etc.