[Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages

We cannot get the phone message to any emergency jobs, we tried almost any post about this, we updated parts of the code but still we dont get message to any “job”
TriggerServerEvent(‘esx_addons_gcphone:startCall’, ‘ambulance’, _U(‘distress_message’), PlayerCoords, {

We are currently trying to change the startCall on the distress message trigger,
Calls on an unregistered service => number : ambulance

we tried any other thing on the interent too,

How can I change phone size? Now it’s too big! and “Retour” button? I need to change to “Back”

go in phone settings and change size to 60 %

I customized my gcphone alot over the past hour, mainly the main page, not this page.

I also tried making it an usable item but it doesn’t work.

I followed this tutorial: [Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages

When i insert the client/main.lua stuff it breaks on me, and when i buy the phone item from the shop and try open the phone, it doesn’t work. When i remove that small script the phone works again. Any ideas?


Does anyone know how to have the police also get the ambulance calls?

mine is setup at the min to for police to get ambulance call’s soo iv’e had to change it from ambulance/police to emergency services to contact both would be ideal if someone could help me get the police to get there own alerts and not both :slight_smile:

Same problem, it very big !!

what does it mean when i get
uncaught type error cannot read property ‘sort’ of undefined.

nui://gcphone/html/static/js/vendor.js:1069 uncaught type error cannot read property ‘sort’ of undefined

i pressed F1 but i not show phone.
what is problem?

Yea phone is item

If i sent an dispatch to police or ambulance them don´t receive this dispatch!

Did anyone with Linux server have a working screenshot-basic ? It does not work for me. Something about yarn

hey do u have the gcphone for zap hosting?\

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how install new update where go “src_htmlPhone”

When someone sends me a request for the taxi I do not receive anything, can someone help me ???

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Someone can give me a tip, how to limit the call need to use N key to talk? I’m using webrtc.

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Does anyone get this error in their rcon with Kashacters when having this phone? Anyone know how to fix it? It is giving me a database error for the ‘owner’ identifier. I think it wants me to switch it to where it’s identifier and says the steam/char- IDs. But I am not certain how to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Just switching it to identifier from owner in the Database is not the fix, it has to be in the code itself.

Where i put this code
function getPhoneRandomNumber()
local numBase0 = math.random(100,999)
local numBase1 = math.random(0,9999)
local num = string.format("%03d-%04d", numBase0, numBase1 )
return num
Now my register not working. Database phone_number is empty :frowning:

change the version of MySQL-async :crazy_face:

I have the latest update. Do you think it’s the version?

yes I change the version and everything works