[Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages

I cant open the phone now. There is nothing on f2…

Man… look the tutorial.

In client.lua :

local KeyOpenClose = 183 -- 1

Make a minimum effort on your research before posting. Personally I will not help you if you do not give any information.

And by the way, delete the cache of the server.

When i press 1 that is the binded key. It only opens the normal phone and i cant take it away again.

For Help …

local Keys = {
["ESC"] = 322, ["F1"] = 288, ["F2"] = 289, ["F3"] = 170, ["F5"] = 166, ["F6"] = 167, ["F7"] = 168, ["F8"] = 169, ["F9"] = 56, ["F10"] = 57,
["~"] = 243, ["1"] = 157, ["2"] = 158, ["3"] = 160, ["4"] = 164, ["5"] = 165, ["6"] = 159, ["7"] = 161, ["8"] = 162, ["9"] = 163, ["-"] = 84, ["="] = 83, ["BACKSPACE"] = 177,
["TAB"] = 37, ["Q"] = 44, ["W"] = 32, ["E"] = 38, ["R"] = 45, ["T"] = 245, ["Y"] = 246, ["U"] = 303, ["P"] = 199, ["["] = 39, ["]"] = 40, ["ENTER"] = 18,
["CAPS"] = 137, ["A"] = 34, ["S"] = 8, ["D"] = 9, ["F"] = 23, ["G"] = 47, ["H"] = 74, ["K"] = 311, ["L"] = 182,
["LEFTSHIFT"] = 21, ["Z"] = 20, ["X"] = 73, ["C"] = 26, ["V"] = 0, ["B"] = 29, ["N"] = 249, ["M"] = 244, [","] = 82, ["."] = 81,
["LEFTCTRL"] = 36, ["LEFTALT"] = 19, ["SPACE"] = 22, ["RIGHTCTRL"] = 70,
["HOME"] = 213, ["PAGEUP"] = 10, ["PAGEDOWN"] = 11, ["DELETE"] = 178,
["LEFT"] = 174, ["RIGHT"] = 175, ["TOP"] = 27, ["DOWN"] = 173,
["NENTER"] = 201, ["N4"] = 108, ["N5"] = 60, ["N6"] = 107, ["N+"] = 96, ["N-"] = 97, ["N7"] = 117, ["N8"] = 61, ["N9"] = 118

For open gcphone with F2 :

local KeyOpenClose = 289 -- F2

Isnt there a database i have to download too?


For the database, you only have to import the one from the gcphone.

Send us the complete archive of your gcphone and addons.

Did you empty the cache of your server ?

Hi i didnt empty the cache but thw file is directly putted in for this link: https://mega.nz/#!CnhTQKYD!fVpAur3RN46poJQ2KjeyYUOj5b89nc2-MMQAIlwSGOY. The only thing i changed was the control to open my phone at f2

https://vimeo.com/user91829826/review/301343524/0d7c3eb519 . See how i download it and still gets the error.


The link in your video does not work

Again, clear the server cache.

How do i clear the server cahce?

In your ftp, delete the folder “cache”

Hello. I love the script and appreaciate you sharing it :slight_smile:
However im ahving a little problem from my side and im wondering if you could help me sort it out or say what i did wrong :slight_smile:

Im getting this error in console when people try to contact Ambulace, mecano, police etc and they recive no msg

Appels sur un service non enregistre => numero

if you took my example, you must have the jobs that are registered in job in your database … I think you have jobs in addition, in the phone that you do not have at the job center by example … you have to remove them …:stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

there was an error with a space in excess, I modified here and the tutorial.

			"display": "Police",
			"icon": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png",
			"subMenu": [
					"title": "Envoyer un message",
					"eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
					"type": {
						"number": "police"
					"title": "Appeler le standard",
					"eventName": "gcphone:autoCallNumber",
					"type": {
						"number": "911"
				},                                  -- here 
					"title": "Signaler un vol",
					"eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
					"type": {
						"number": "police",
						"message": "Vol en cours, merci de venir au plus vite !"
					"title": "Signaler une agression",
					"eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
					"type": {
						"number": "police",
						"message": "Victime d'agression"

1 Like

I did not spot that. Im trying it now with that removed :slight_smile:

Doing that fix crashed the whole phone. Here is my config:

  "reseau": "Squeezie",
  "themeColor": "#303f9f",
  "colors": [

  "useFormatNumberFrance": false,

  "useWebRTCVocal": false,
  "RTCConfig": {
    "iceServers": [{
      "urls": ["turn:gannon.ovh"],
      "username": "jojo",
      "credential": "pass"

  "background" : {
    "RPN1": "back001.jpg",
    "RPN2": "back002.jpg",
    "RPN3": "back003.jpg",
    "RPN4": "back004.jpg"
  "background_default": {
    "label": "RPN2",
    "value": "back002.jpg"

  "coque": {
    "Sansumg S8": "s8.png",
    "Iphone X": "iphonex.png",
    "Brick Base": "base.png",
    "Transparent": "transparent.png"
  "coque_default": {
    "label": "Iphone X",
    "value": "iphonex.png"

  "serviceCall": [
      "display": "Police",
      "icon": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "police"
          "title": "Appeler le standard",
          "eventName": "gcphone:autoCallNumber",
          "type": {
            "number": "911"
      "display": "Ambulance",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "ambulance"
      "display": "Gouvernement",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "state"
      "display": "Army",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "army"
      "display": "FIB",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "fib"
      "display": "Juge",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "juge"
      "display": "Avocat",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "avocat"
      "display": "Agent de Securite",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "security"
      "display": "Espion",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "Espion"
      "display": "Tueur à gage contract oral baladins",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "baladins"
      "display": "Voiture Concessionaire",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "cardealer"
      "display": "Helicoptere concessionaire",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "aircraftdealer"
      "display": "Bateau concessionaire",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "dock"
      "display": "Mecano",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "mecano"
      "display": "Armurier",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "armurier"
      "display": "Gang Cartel",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "cartel"
      "display": "Gang Mafia",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "mafia"
      "display": "Gang",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "gang"
      "display": "Gang Biker",
      "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "biker"
      "display": "Eboueur",
      "backgroundColor": "orange",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "eboueur"
      "display": "Taxi",
      "backgroundColor": "orange",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "taxi"
      "display": "Bus",
      "backgroundColor": "orange",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "bus"
      "display": "Journaliste",
      "backgroundColor": "orange",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "reporter"
      "display": "Chauffeur pilote",
      "backgroundColor": "orange",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "pilot"
      "display": "Chauffeur rally",
      "backgroundColor": "orange",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "rally"
      "display": "Discotheque Bar Striptease",
      "backgroundColor": "green",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "disco"
      "display": "Bahama Bar Deluxe",
      "backgroundColor": "green",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "bahama"
      "display": "Cuisinier ambulant",
      "backgroundColor": "green",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "foodtruck"
      "display": "vendeur de tabac",
      "backgroundColor": "green",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "tabac"
      "display": "Agent Immobilier",
	  "backgroundColor": "green",
      "subMenu": [
		  "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "realestateagent"

  "apps": [
      "name": "Telefon",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/call.png",
      "routeName": "appels",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Meldinger",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/sms.png",
      "routeName": "messages",
      "inHomePage": true,
      "puceRef": "nbMessagesUnread"
      "name": "Kontakter",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/contacts.png",
      "routeName": "contacts",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Instillinger",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/settings.png",
      "routeName": "parametre",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "DNB",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png",
      "routeName": "bank",
      "inHomePage": false
      "name": "Aksjer",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bourse.png",
      "routeName": "bourse",
      "enabled": true
      "name": "Photo",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/photo.png",
      "routeName": "photo"
      "name": "Anno Chat",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/tchat.png",
      "routeName": "tchat"
      "name": "9GAG",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/9gag.png",
      "routeName": "9gag"

Hello Again. So i ahve not edited that config. But i edited the police job. I copied the esx_phone one and just edited name to the gcphone and the police one is now working. So that config seems to be working just fine :slight_smile: Thanks for the quick reply tho and again love the script thanks for posting it here for everyone :slight_smile: +1

1 Like

I changed a little tutorial so that is even easier thanks to HalCroves for this tutorial is clearer. :stuck_out_tongue: