[Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages

Hey guys the gcphone will establish a direct connection between to Players. If i am talking with someone nö one arround me can hear me. Is there any fix for it?

Hello, do you know how to do that when you write to a trade and it does not answer after a while that the person who made the call has a notification that says example: no convenience store available?

Thank you :metal:

Thats how it works. As far as im aware there is only one soundchannel in gta5, dont quote me on this tho as i dont know much about this but you could setup an rtc serer. then you should be able to hear both the other person and the rest of the world.

Can anyone help me out, everytime i want to send the distress text to the ambulance i get this error in the console

How do i add the ambulance number to the phone ??

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We keep getting the phone to display just a white screen? Not sure what else to do and we followed this tutorial exactly

Do Ou translate the Phone? If you do one misstake in the Translation the screen will be White

Icons im adding is just showing white? any suggestions? I have right pixels and icon is png. also tried an existing icon and edited, changed name and its not working only showing a fully white icon

We haven’t changed any script yet, we just wanted to upload the phone and see if it worked. But the screen is still white.

Added all columns in the database?

For some reason when send a message to the police and i wanna look at the message i get a white screen


Test this : https://github.com/HalCroves/gcphone/wiki/White-screen

Can it be due to ZAP hosting?

esx_addons_gcphone is in resources[esx]
and gcphone is in resources

Best ,

In which file can I translate this into Dutch, it is for my server! Can you say what File I am talking mainly about the file then I can use it! Of course we are very satisfied with it! Thanks in advance!

Greetings Kian

Hi! :smiley:
I get this error when I open the messages on the phone

nui://gcphone/html/static/js/vendor.js:6, TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined

later, I open to open guiding myself more or less as it is and I am going to write a message, I send the message and I do not see it and I skip this other error:

nui://gcphone/html/static/js/vendor.js:6, TypeError: Cannot read property ‘scrollIntoViewIfNeeded’ of null

Instalation and server.cfg


gcphone -> /resources
vdk_call ->/resources
esx_addons_gcphone -> /resources/esx



start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql
start es_admin2
start es_extended
start esx_menu_default
start esx_menu_list
start esx_menu_dialog
start async


start vdk_call
start gcphone
start esx_addons_gcphone



Thanks :slight_smile:

Check gcphone/html/static/config/config.json and gcphone/html/static/js/app.js #Line 3195

Hello o7
Check my version if you want.

Mysql-async2.x => https://github.com/HalCroves/gcphone/tree/mysql-async-2.x
Mysql-async3.x => https://github.com/HalCroves/gcphone/tree/mysql-async-3.x

If you have a problem with sql error (mysql_fetch_scalar returns {}) => https://github.com/brouznouf/fivem-mysql-async/pull/61/files


1 Like

I downloaded
Mysql-async3.x => https://github.com/HalCroves/gcphone/tree/mysql-async-3.x

And now it works perfectly, thanks

Hi everyone i have a question:
The Police and Ambulance distress signal works but i cannot get the Mechanic job to get the distress signal…

How do i fix this ??/