[Tutorial] - GCPhone - Adding calls and job messages

Start gcphone and esx_addons_gcphone before the jobs addons


I have fivem esx server.
I come to you because I have a problem ^^.

I delete the esx_phone base to put the gcphone.
Everything works correctly for the gcphone,
but I have an image at the top left of the screen see capture.
It must remain something in the files but I do not know what it is …

Thanks a lot for your help.

Clear our server cache

I did it, still nothing …

It’s a problem with css files. Your host is zaphosting?

Look at this… XD
When I open phone i have white screen, when I use public phone I have normal screen in phone.

Yes zaphosting

Gcphone not compatible with zaphosting? XD

Problem is not gcphone. Gcphone work. Ils esx_phone … i need help :confused:

This thread is for gcphone. Not for esx_phone.
You need only one phone…

When i add taxi or cardealer in config.json it does not show on the phone, also when i change the name of the other items it does not change in the phone. i have cleared local cache as well as server cache. it is supposed to show up at favorites app right? if not where does it show

Show me your config.json

I know, but I delete the esx phone so I do not see where the problem comes from

What do you need help with?

  "reseau": "AlterPhone",
  "themeColor": "#303f9f",
  "colors": [
  "useWebRTCVocal": false,

  "useFormatNumberFrance": false,

  "background" : {
    "Calvin & Hobbes": "back001.jpg",
    "Destiny": "back002.jpg",
    "Stormtrooper": "back003.jpg",
    "Custom URL": "URL"
  "background_default": {
    "label": "Calvin & Hobbes",
    "value": "back001.jpg"

  "coque": {
    "Sansumg S8": "s8.png",
    "Iphone X": "iphonex.png",
    "Transparent": "transparent.png"
  "coque_default": {
    "label": "Samsung S8",
    "value": "s8.png"

"serviceCall": [
      "display": "Politie",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/politie.png",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Stuur bericht",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "police"
      "display": "Ambulance",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Stuur bericht",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "ambulance"
      "display": "ANWB",
      "backgroundColor": "green",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Stuur bericht",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "mecano"
      "display": "Taxi",
	  "backgroundColor": "yellow",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Stuur bericht",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "taxi"
      "display": "Cardealer",
	  "backgroundColor": "grey",
      "subMenu": [
          "title": "Stuur bericht",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "bmdealer"

  "apps": [
      "name": "Telephone",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/call.png",
      "routeName": "appels",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Messages",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/sms.png",
      "routeName": "messages",
      "inHomePage": true,
      "puceRef": "nbMessagesUnread"
      "name": "Contacts",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/contacts.png",
      "routeName": "contacts",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Settings",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/settings.png",
      "routeName": "parametre",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Bank",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png",
      "routeName": "bank",
      "inHomePage": false
      "name": "Bourse",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bourse.png",
      "routeName": "bourse",
      "enabled": false
      "name": "Photo",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/photo.png",
      "routeName": "photo"
      "name": "Dark Chat",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/tchat.png",
      "routeName": "tchat"
      "name": "9GAG",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/9gag.png",
      "routeName": "9gag"

i fixed it. The problem happened to be that gcphone was in ESX folder with esx_addons_gcphone. moved gcphone to main resources folder and everything works fine now

1 Like

How do i get thr GCPhone to read my phone number. Im using vRP

Good job. I did not even think about that

Can u help me with this problem? When i call to player i see his name but he see “inconnu”. We both have eatch other in contact list

SS with my look:

animation undoes before turning off the phone with backspace.