[Topic] Request a resource you want to see created!

ya my original was a car spawner read my 1st post, i just gave example what i needed it for

A system to allow personal owned stores. For example, you have to buy stock from a company or trade market via web interface in-game or web browser and then get some attention as in sending out notifications via pNotify. The players store can be robbed, promoted, upgraded and etc. I would love to see this in my own server even working with ESX.

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So I was talking with Deziel, and we were looking into reversing the Rappelling native to allow you to pickup people. So rappel down but having the ability to get back in. This would allow people to do water rescue operations. Probably a big task but a definite project that I do not have the expertise to do.

I don’t believe that is possible, to “rappel back up”. But you could rappel down and get both players to TP to the helicopter’s seats

There is a rope native, so it would involve attaching player to rope and then pulling them back in as the rope comes up. Like I said it would be hard but I think its possible.

I had @Deziel0495 look into it if you want to talk to him I am sure he would love some help. I have seen it done on RPH but obviously we dont have the tools available.

The rope native has to be synced to all clients. That is one bad thing about that.
or the rope texture or whatever

Maybe a stretch, a script that allows you to deploy the outriggers and move the ladder on firetrucks that support it. I believe they use bones.

If you can, Link me that native.

I know that there was a breakthrough with modifying bones, However it was injected into FiveM.

I would use doors I believe to actually animate a fire truck ladder?

Then set the door angle.


There are a bunch around there.


Might be a good thing to use.

However there are obviously ALOT of people’s ideas so anyone who want’s to help these Ideas come true feel free to do so!

Yeah I was thinking of opening a discussion on this, however I do not do any scripting I mostly work with models. This is something we are trying to achieve: https://youtu.be/HK3gTrOakUc?t=759

It would be amazing to see, even thought about reaching out to PNWParksFan and seeing how he accomplished it in RPH and seeing if we could modify it in some way to FiveM.

Don’t want to clutter a lot but another idea is finding a way to disable a player’s AI from spawning when they teleport to say an interior, preventing the AI from spawning on top of each other.

So here is how you can get started with this, Get source code for a mod that does this (C# or LUA) and see what native it uses to do that.

That is the thing the only one that exists is PNWParksFan’s which is behind his pay wall and has explicit things that say no reverse engineering or anything.

Suggestion : Handheld radar gun.

Already a thing…

I already have one. Just never released it. Plus one was released on the forums

could you link, the only ones I found had been removed…