
Hey and welcome to my second usefull Script ;D

Its an simple Script wich allows you to toggle your Engine On or Off.

You can simply modify in die Config.lua wich Key must get pressed to toggle the Engine.

Requirements: pNotify ( for the messages but you dont need this when you dont want to use this just change some code in the client.lua but its all marked

Heres the download Link:


Have a nice Day ^^


Love a good “Toogle” :mask:

It’s “Toggle” not “Toogle” bud

This is already a thing iv had this on my server for months

Mine is key U to toggle engine on and off

How is this different from this? [Release] Engine ON/OFF Toggle

apart from the /engine command available in this one…

1 Like

Hmm i dont know its nearly the same


You just removed some stuff and added pNotify

can you prove that’s what he as done ie are the codes the same ??

it was release from the base sadoch

I recognize the code I wrote…


then if you think he as stolen it then flag it but to be honest iv looked and even tho it does the same thing the codes are not the same

ok scrap my last message lol STOLEN SCRIPT all he as done is changed a few things

After performing a Diff Checker it appears the OP simply changed a few words, added pNotify (which also isn’t his…) and released this script.