The City RP Hiring server developers

The City RP is a British based public roleplaying server. We currently have a crucial opening within the team. We are in need of a server developer! You must have experience with placing scripts/mods onto the Server FTP and willing to work as a team, the minimum age is 16 years old. The reason for this age restriction is our discord is very much so an adult environment and involves adult conversation. Please leave your discord name in the comments if this opening interests you.

This is a brand new project, which we believe will be successful. Not only will this be a public server, we also have whitelist applications which have priority access on the server. I believe you should develop my server because we are attempting a very large project, in a difficult market, so you want the challenge? Then Please feel free to leave contact information. Alternatively, please contact me on this forum via personal message.

Kind Regards

You cannot pay anyone for anything FiveM related as per the Terms of Service that you agreed upon!

I have edited the original post.

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