System for collecting player HDD's Serial adress or NIC MAC adress

Why do I request this? Well simple, we need a system that is capable of collecting HDD serial number or NIC MAC addresses and send them to the server, so permanent bans are possible.

Right now, the only thing we can ban is the IP adress, which for many people changes automatically every day
( ISP public IP lease ).

Or you can ban SteamIDs too.

Questions are: How many people use Steam? What about those that don’t use Steam for GTA V? What if majority of hackers are from Non-Steam version?

If there was an option to ban by Social Club ID, at least, I and many other people would be thankful.

Uhmm you don’t have to own the game on steam tho? Just have steam running in the background. And no, none of those are viable ban options, every ban can be evaded.

The only way to get around people evading bans is to use a whitelist

Sure they can, but IP ban can be avoided automatically.

I’m just trying to get this to the developers so all of us can have a better online experience in this mod.

Hardware bans will not be added (for now), the only way to ban is to use the current available identifiers.

What I dont understand is, someone that actually wants to evade a ban can easily do so. So the current ban methods are good enough.

Hardware IDs are fully self-reported and not able to be verified externally at all, so this is even worse a ban type than IP bans.

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