Streaming Jason Voorhees as a custom ped

I was hoping someone would be able to help with the issue I am facing:

I followed the tutorial to stream the custom ped, made the folder with the ped.meta file and made sure the ped name was correct in it.

However, when I am spawning the ped, it turns into a squid with broken legs for some odd reason.


RegisterCommand("spawnjason", function(source)

Jason = function()
	local hash = GetHashKey("mp_m_famdd_01")
	while not HasModelLoaded( hash ) do
		RequestModel( hash )
	local pos =  GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
	local ped =  CreatePed(4, hash, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z+1, 0.0, true, true)
	SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(ped, true)
	SetPedCombatAttributes(ped, 46, true)
	SetPedFleeAttributes(ped, 0, 0)


Made sure that the foldername inside the resource is also called mp_m_famdd_01

Resource used for Jason:

Where did I go wrong and how to fix it ?

Is there really no one who has a clue how to fix this ?

Seems no one really has an idea how to make this work, closing this thread

Did you also add the correct data files directive in your resource file? I used to stream custom peds myself, sometimes textures just break and thats how it is.

Data Files


My __resource.lua

resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'

files {

data_file 'PED_METADATA_FILE' 'data/peds.meta'

My peds.meta file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <residentAnims />
            <IsStreamedGfx value="false" />
            <AmbulanceShouldRespondTo value="true" />
            <CanRideBikeWithNoHelmet value="false" />
            <CanSpawnInCar value="false" />
            <IsHeadBlendPed value="false" />
            <bOnlyBulkyItemVariations value="false" />
            <FUpOffset value="0.000000" />
            <RUpOffset value="0.000000" />
            <FFrontOffset value="0.000000" />
            <RFrontOffset value="0.147000" />
            <MinActivationImpulse value="20.000000" />
            <Stubble value="0.000000" />
            <HDDist value="0.000000" />
            <TargetingThreatModifier value="1.000000" />
            <KilledPerceptionRangeModifer value="-1.000000" />
            <Age value="0" />
            <MaxPassengersInCar value="0" />
            <ExternallyDrivenDOFs />
            <AnimalAudioObject />
            <DefaultRemoveRangeMultiplier value="1.000000" />
            <AllowCloseSpawning value="false" />
    <multiTxdRelationships />

And the files I grabbed from that link I posted earlier, renamed them to mp_m_famdd_01.ydd, mp_m_famdd_01.yft, mp_m_famdd_01.ymt and mp_m_famdd_01.ytd

Where did you get peds.meta file?

Try this one, I altered it for you:

I got the peds.meta file from a topic here on the forum that pointed to a pastebin with that data

But he looks better then he did before, might have to go through all the files to see what’s missing on the body

You probably have to get the correct values for that ped and put them into the relevant sections in the metafile.

That is what the stream folder looks like

Maybe you could try replacing a ped instead? Or save yourself some headache and find another custom ped that works better with FiveM.

Did you ever happen to figure this out? I am also trying to get it to work myself