Stream Radiance V to FiveM server?

Hello, I was wondering if I could stream visualsettings.dat to FiveM. I really need that because I can’t use scripts on my server, I use Mello Trainer. And I want bright lights for the server.

You can’t stream it from the server, but clients can put it in their FiveM folder to use it.

Yeah but I have scripts disabled for users :frowning:

Thats only scripthook. Clients can still use visualsettings with scripthook disabled.

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Im talking about the clients. Stream was the wrong word to use for that response.

they go to the fiveM.appdata folder and put the file in the client citizen/common/data

Do you know if they’re planning on adding the ability to stream visualsettings.dat server side? There are a few people who have asked for it so far.

Vote this feature request if you want to increase the demand on the feature.