Steam workshop

Hello, would it be possible to implement steam workshop as on Gmod?

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Any example usage of the Steam workshop? Or in other words, how do you see it be used?

For example add cars, maps, resources, etc. But that would be downloaded and updated since steam workshop.
This also allows customers not to re-download the resource.

Exemple (gmod):

I don’t see how steamwork shop would be more advantageous than the system we are already rolling.

Servers make the clients downloads these mods automatically as where steam workshop does not such a thing.

This also allows customers not to re-download the resource.

This is incorrect, you actually download it once. The next time you join the it will fetch the resource from the game cache.

it’s wrong, on gmod it’s automatically download when you join a server

Even if we change server?

Not sure if resource customization (changing code, translations, etc etc) would work if workshop was involved

But then I still don’t see the need why we would need a system that does exactly the same.

Unsure, can’t fill you in on this.

Also this would mean that FiveM hard locks into steam, forcing everyone to use steam.

The work to result ratio seems way off if they would decide to implement such a system. As I actually still don’t see how this would be better than what we already have.

Like persistent caching for cross-server would be nice, but also could cause issues (i.e. 50 shades of gray of the same resource), since not every server uses the exact same copy or has a customized resource.

Also the persistent caching could blow up in your face, having tons of cached resources just sitting there and doing nothing and clogging your hard drive. Sounds prone to complications and people complaining that FiveM uses several gigs of disk space.

the idea is not to replace the system but to add more.

Do we already play Gmod or Arma? Gmod or Arma we can have more than 30gb of mods

the idea is not to replace the system but to add more.

Why 2 systems doing the same thing? Seems very redundant…

Do we already play Gmod or Arma? Gmod or Arma we can have more than 30gb of mods

So does FiveM? There are servers that force you to download 40GB of shit, don’t ask me why.

Not necessarily, we could even reduce the download size for Fivem. How?

Thanks to steam workshop, a server A and B that uses the same resource (without modification). The client only downloads it once.

We can imagine that the community creates “standard” resources that can be used without modification.

But… As syntasu said, it wont take much once youve joined a server at least once, the resources are all cached…

First of all, the server it self is responsible for not sending tons of things that needs to be streamed. Being aware and applying it would reduce the size of resources dramatically. But because people use plug and play resources, they are not aware how that might impact the server and clients connecting to it.

“Without modification”, so you expect every server to have the same resource(s)? Isn’t up to the server owners to make an unique playing experience, so that they attract more players? I don’t think having fixed resources will work, you end of servers being more or less the same, making FiveM less appealing for new people (as they probably don’t want to play RP or what ever the biggest crowd pleaser is at that moment.). You lock-in on a “set of resources” and destroy the idea of being unique and actually providing original content.

I find this a weird train of thought… Why would you want standardized set of resouces… We are a modification framework, not a plug and play service for GTA V.

Not even possible, Steam isn’t an open platform.

This already happens, even.

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