[Spanish Tutorial] How to create your own server

For the Spanish people who enter the web looking for how to create their own server and on youtube you can not find anything and here I leave a tutorial done by me in Castilian, if you want me to upload more tutorials of how to put cars guns scripts mod police animations and Learning to translate lua files leave it in the comments of the video, thanks.

Tutorial on how to create your own server in Spanish castellano


This is an English forum. Please speak English.

Edit: Thanks for changing the language from Spanish :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nothing friend is that I did not know that it was only English thanks for releasing my post

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No problem!

Cant find my server in the FIVEM Client. The ip i used for the Licensekey is the one from whatismyip. I

Sorry, but the video appears deleted :frowning:

Sorry youtube policy

español : Amigo estamos buscando un desarrollador con exp…como me contacto contigo…el video que isistes esta eliminado…dejame un discord o algo para conversar.

ingles :
Friend we are looking for a developer with exp … as I contact you … the video you are isistes removed … leave me a discord or something to talk.

for Spaniards who want to make a server in Spanish or be able to speak in Spanish go through my forum

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