Need help with clothes mixing and visibility issues in store

When I run 2 or 3 different outfit packages on the server, some outfits do not appear in the outfit menu and I think they are in the same order.

  • The hoodie that appears in the 60th place in the clothing store in the “A” package
  • It turns into a coat that looks like the 60th row in the clothing store in the “B” package.

That hoodie in the 60th row in package “A” is lost. I guess the reason is due to the outfit that corresponds to the 60th row in the “B” package.
Maybe it’s a simple issue, I don’t know. I’m not an expert on these matters. What should I do to keep the clothes in order and not get mixed up in the store?

If you give a very technical explanation, I may not understand it. If there is a guide or video, it would be easier for me to do it by watching it. If you explain your advice in a very simple way, I will try to understand it as much as I can. Thanks everyone