Some Ped Models showing invisible to other players

Ive noticed that some ped models show up invisible to some people. Is there a way to fix this or a way to change something and make them not do that. For instance the German Shepherd model if wanted to use for K9 roleplay, shows invisible to other players on the server.

Thanks for anyones help with this,

no one have any response for this?

That is a known issue when using the Enhanced Reborn Trainer. The next release which will make it server side will address most of the issues with things not being synced between players. That is my best guess anyway. There is no ETA on the server side script being released.

Is there an ETA Now?

The maker of enhanced reborn has retired the project bensure of Irl problems, however there are a few serversided scripts being developed, there is no ETA on them.

Do you think you could link one? (Not the download, since you said its not done)
Thanks for that information beef.

There is none in talk on the forums atm, its from talking on the discord

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