I want to begin working on my own game mode that includes a login and register system however haven’t found any fixed answer on what MySQL/SQL to use. I read something about essentials having a problem with blocking which lead to it switching to couchDB?

I’d like to stick strictly with regular mysql if possible. My question is do I need a library folder located somewhere in my resource file and if so what files do I need inside of it and how would I go about referencing it from my server script. I’m pretty familiar with MySQL itself when it comes to php however the Lua aspect of it has me entirely confused. Thanks for the help.

I don’t want to work off of essentials or any other already built framework (they are great and I’ve learned plenty from them) however would rather find out how the core of the system works.

Edit: Any example scripts to even reference would be great, thanks!

Do you have a website with an SQL DB you want to use, or are you wanting to have the DB local with the server?

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DB local with the server but I have plans on incorporating some sort of UCP later on. Actually, was just about to edit this because I figured it out and got it somewhat working. Whats your suggestion on what MySQL Library / SQL platform to use? I read somewhere that the FiveM team was working on a MySQL Library specific for FiveM.

Yeah, I read that too, and that was supposed to be released like… months ago I guess. Shrug.

I connect to a DB on my website using PerformHttpRequest().

If you want to do it local, you should use this. I haven’t used it, so I am not familiar with it. The reason you want async is because other libraries will freeze up the server and cause desync with queries sometimes.

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