[Solved] Keybinding to Chat Command

Since we aren’t able to use any Key on the Keyboard I am trying to change some Keybindings to chat commands.

Looks like I might have to change some “IsControlJustPressed” to “RegisterCommand(’****’, function(source, args, rawCommand)” if that is possible.
But how exactly do I have to do this?
I haven’t found anything on the Forums, so I’m not even sure it’s possible.

Can anyone a bit more experienced help?

	while true do
		if IsControlJustReleased(0, 47) then
			if GetVehicleDoorLockStatus(vehicle) == 1 then
				SetVehicleDoorsLocked(vehicle, 2)
				exports.pNotify:SendNotification({text = "<font color='#fc5044'>Vehicle Locked"})
			elseif GetVehicleDoorLockStatus(vehicle) == 2 then
				SetVehicleDoorsLocked(vehicle, 1)
				exports.pNotify:SendNotification({text = "<font color='lightgreen'>Vehicle Unlocked"})

RegisterCommand('lock', function(source, args, rawCommand)
	if GetVehicleDoorLockStatus(vehicle) == 1 then
		SetVehicleDoorsLocked(vehicle, 2)
		exports.pNotify:SendNotification({text = "<font color='#fc5044'>Vehicle Locked"})
	elseif GetVehicleDoorLockStatus(vehicle) == 2 then
		SetVehicleDoorsLocked(vehicle, 1)
		exports.pNotify:SendNotification({text = "<font color='lightgreen'>Vehicle Unlocked"})

This is a very basic example on what you would have to do.

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You Sir are a ture gentleman!
Works fine!

Hey Bjorn, can i ask which vehicle lock are you using? cz i’d like to have one that lets you lock with a command and not a button