[Solved] How can i pass a true or false from server to client?

That way didnt work?
If not i think you might have an error on the client

Nope still only printed the 1 print

Like i said, i done all i can, if you want more specific help, PM me with the resource

pming you now



And the solution was?

Events, TriggerClientEvent on server and RegisterNetEvent on client side

I got it working by looking at examples.

It’s important how you pass these variables over.
If you for example:

– Server

RegisterCommand(“car”, (source, args)

TriggerClientEvent('‘spawn-car’, source, args[1] or ‘thrax’)

end, true)

You need to pass it to the client by doing this:

– Client

RegisterNetEvent(‘spawn-car’, function(vehName)

– logic


In this case vehName takes over the variables passed over by the second variable in the TiggerClientEvent function.

So “args[1] or ‘thrax’” will get pushed onto “vehName”.
It will automatically be useable as a variable and doesn’t need to be defined again.

Just for people wondering in the future, because I hate topics that suddenly stop.

Ps.: This is syntax for a car spawner command taking either a model hash or if blank spawning a “thrax” by default.