Server does not appear in browser


I updated to latest version and can connect directly so I know it works. I was able to add it to my favorites from the history tab. It appears in my favorites but not the main server browser.

Server is installed on a dedi box in Atlanta datacenter, there are no ports to forward and no firewall running.


It should show up after a few minutes, or after you (or someone else) connects.

Have you inputted your server key in the server.cfg?

If he can connect directly then it would not be an issue with server keys.

EDIT: also make sure that

# disable announcing? clear out the master by uncommenting this
#sv_master1 ""

Is not uncommented.

@Not_Blu look here from what he said.

Again… He says:

If you can connect directly to the server, there isn’t an issue with server keys. If It was an issue with server keys, he wouldn’t be able to get on the server at all, and there would be errors in the console.


I was able to add it to my favorites via the history tab after I connected to it directly. It appears in my favorites tab but not the main server browser. The server key is authenticated.

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